The Last Panel Is Magnificent

Raynal Payuk April 5, 2018 4:36 pm

I holding on reading the newest chapter because i am pretty busy with college work and organization, but there is also part of me that kinda afraid to see Tsubaki dad reaction. Its just kinda feel like see my parent reaction if they accidentally found out i like men. Kinda hit to close isn't it.

But in more lighter not, Yuhki sensei has one of the best visual interpretation in his manga. From the Daichi tore down the wall to bridge scene with Utsumi to UFO visual representation of Tsubaki feeling. His art is so imaginative and its really enhance the character development so much. That last panel showing every character moment as some kind of reflection from christmas tree decoration is brilliant. This is series need to become more famous.

    salvx April 11, 2018 9:10 am

    just a note - yuhki-sensei identifies as a non-binary gender (x-gender) so it’d be good to refer to them w/ they/them pronouns!

    SayerSong April 11, 2018 12:33 pm

    I know we are all merely readers, and essentially strangers, who happen to read the same manga and talk online, but I would like to think that if you ever need to talk about things, like your dad's reaction should you choose to or have to tell him in the future about your sexual orientation, that we could be there for you, at the very least with an ear to bend. I am a straight female, and while I have many friends who are members of the LGBT community, I know I could never understand what you are going through to more than just a minimal degree and I will not pretend I can. But others who read this, may be able to. And even those of us who can't, maybe good at listen without passing judgment or trying to give advice on a matter we essentially know nothing about from a personal point of view. Basically, this is the long way of saying that I hope you can find support online if you need it (and offline as well).

    SayerSong April 11, 2018 12:34 pm

    Also, this series needs an anime. One that is ongoing through the entire series.

    SayerSong April 11, 2018 12:44 pm
    just a note - yuhki-sensei identifies as a non-binary gender (x-gender) so it’d be good to refer to them w/ they/them pronouns! salvx

    OKAY! I get it now. I was trying to figure out what character was Yuhki-sensei in the manga, cause we haven't run across anyone by that name. But then I saw that they are the actual mangaka. That makes me feel better, knowning that I didn't miss an entire character or forget a massive part of the manga.