Random self reflect HAHA

tsubaki_sama April 5, 2018 3:51 pm

There are like 5 levels before reaching "The end of the world"
And guess which level are we on now, level 4.
You think by now, we would have lots of outstanding generations.
Instead we left with the generations which their dreams is to be a youtube star and dabbing on 'em haters.

.....kill me now. Just, end the world right now.
(Just when you think this post gets any more random)

    minhoe April 5, 2018 3:55 pm

    at least we have that one iconic girl who called 911 on the microwave

    chizaman April 5, 2018 3:57 pm


    Sam IV April 5, 2018 4:44 pm

    Oh come on, if I read books on phone people think I'm using social media and says how we young people are going downwards! For some idiots of our generation, we're hugely misunderstood (≧∀≦)
    well, grannies and pops made it to 4th level. so 5 won't be difficult!

    YURI!!choi~ April 5, 2018 4:53 pm

    i mean is it really our fault that the world is like this? Like past generations kept adding on to it and finally the last generation flippin put's it on our shoulders, saying "here you go it's your choice if you can save it or not" and now we got this big ol problem that they caused that is up for us to clean it up.