Did a translator from the UK did the last few chapter? Becuase I have NEVER seen any manwha saying “Primary School” or “Year 12”. If not then wow. I usually need to figure out the American way of school life Anyways this manwha is AMAZING!!!
We certainly so. Are there any Aussie or Kiwi translators? kiwikitsune
I wouldn't know for sure, I just felt left out about the schooling slang. Its hard to figure out nationalities of translators using just the their username. You should become a translator and represent. Unless you name represents your avid interest in the fruit or the bird. ( ̄∇ ̄")
I wouldn't know for sure, I just felt left out about the schooling slang. Its hard to figure out nationalities of translators using just the their username. You should become a translator and represent. Unless... My password is 'Password'
Oh hell no. Translators are gods. I can barely say konnichiwa.
Did a translator from the UK did the last few chapter? Becuase I have NEVER seen any manwha saying “Primary School” or “Year 12”. If not then wow. I usually need to figure out the American way of school life Anyways this manwha is AMAZING!!!