Happy Easter everyone...

My password is 'Password' April 3, 2018 3:59 am

Hey guys, I'm looking for a Yaoi manga. Its in the prespective of the Seme who used to bully the uke as a child. Anyway, the uke is a new transfer student. The seme does't know the uke is the person he used to bully. Anyway, the uke acts sweet and lovely to the seme, they get together. Then the seme starts getting harassed (red paint in his locker, drawings on his desk). Anyway a friend of the seme grabs something off the offender when he is caught in the act doing something to the seme's desk, but the offender escapes. The friends passes it to the seme, the seme realises its something off the uke. He goes and visits him, the uke gets angry and brings up their past. The seme is shocked and tells him that he can hit him till the uke is happy, however the seme tells the uke that he isn't going to end their relationship. The uke angrily tell him off for changing into a super nice, completely different from the past. The ending does show a snippet of their past where the uke is crying and the seme giving him his hand. BTW the uke has pinkish/reddish hair.
Thanks in Advance.
