That kinda fucked up tho like?? Their whole relationship dynamic is screwy when it comes down to the brass tacks - even if I like it they do still quite obviously hate the fact that they're soulbound, as stated in the main series
Not to mention he wouldn't know those feelings because they don't really know each other too well at this point, just seems kinda callous more than caring

Ain't that the truth
No problemo, happy to :D Honestly, I just kinda pulled the -ally out of the air because it sounded right, I learned diegesis from a YouTube video but gosh heck it, I cannot remember which one. I could've sworn it was from a Lindsey Ellis or Innuendo Studio video, but I cannot for the life of me hunt down which one. Now it's gonna bug me lol
If I eve do find it, I'll let ya know

But honestly, I just love the bickering and how cold Juda is. It just makes him look dominant but the dominance we see gets thrown off when you have a mentally strong and aggressive uke. The dynamic is just brilliant.
And juda eating the cooking had the opposite affect for me. Juda didn't want to try it IN FRONT OF dato, so he put this cold face up because (tsundere man). But he was really eager to try it, so he put up an excuse to have sex when dato (cause he needed to initiate the heat even tho he said himself that he came early) and then tried it out when dato was sleeping and couldn't stop to leave some, cause it was so good. Is how i understood it.
Honestly speaking, I thought it was just Juda showing his love to Dato. He want to know more about him, so with a childlike personality, he couldn't stop being curious.

Even if that is the case, he still took food from the mouth of his soulmate, and isn't at the point in their relationship where he can even consider what the other party thinks or feels. It's childish and callous, and Daato definitely won't feel any love if he doesn't express it. That's kinda my feelings on tsundere in general lol so it's not like it's a problem specific to this couple, but I still feel what I feel
I almost cried when Daato discovered the empty soup pot. Something about that hit hard, after he bought the ingredients and made it for himself with those thoughts of his loved ones in it