You would spend the rest of your life pining over someone who doesn't love you back? How sad. Loving someone does not entitle you to their love in return. That's just life. Yes, he loved him, but he believed his love wasn't returned. So, he tried to move on. Had he not moved on, or tried to, he would never have found the strength and courage to face his friend and tell him his true feelings. He needed to know that what he felt wasn't just for anyone, but only for Kawasaki. He needed that experience even if it was unpleasant. Moving on is not cheating. Otherwise, every couple on the planet would be guilty. So, if you're unrequited love finds a partner and they have sex, is that cheating too? How though? They don't love you and don't want you. Why would you go out of your way to refrain from finding your own happiness? That is just plain unhealthy.
Only children can come up with this naive outlook. How many long term relationships have you had? Longer than a week, I mean. It can't have been many, if any at all, because you wouldn't last in an actual long term relationship with that attitude. You'd be one of those creepy, obsessive, stalker types who become psycho exes when a partner breaks things off. Or the type to sniff a strangers shoes when they are not looking because you "love" them, but they don't want to have anything to do with you. That type scares me and it scares most people. It is unhealthy to have that kind of mindset. Learn to let go, grow up some, and find the person who can love you with all their heart.

Please it's just their opinion don't insult them or assume shit and judge them!!! You don't agree that's your opinion but don't insult others .... that is childish.
I think if you love somebody and not just like them and if you value your own body you do not sleep with people you do not love. Moving on does not necessarily mean you fck the next guy who pays attention to you.

You misunderstand simply because you disagree with me. I'm not saying that is how they are now. I am saying that is how they will end up if they continue with this mindset. It's fine to be naive when you are a child and have parents or other adults to save and protect you. The real world, the one you will face when all the adults you admire and look to for guidance and protection now are long passed away, is not kind at all to naiveté. Holding on to a naive mindset will only hurt them and cause tremendous social and mental issues in their adulthood. Can you imagine a 40 year old woman thinking like this as she pines for someone from high school? Where do you think crazy cat ladies come from?! I'm desperately trying to prevent the spread of crazy cat ladies! Do you really think people like that just pop into existence? No, they can't let go of something. Whether it is an old flame, an unrequited love or a missed opportunity. When a living thing ceases to grow, it begins to decompose. Do they really want to start decomposing before they have had a chance to reach their peak? This mindset that hanging on until death or pining away for someone your whole life seems romantic, but it is nothing but destructive. That comes from both first and second hand experience. So, if I seem to be insulting, take it as an act of tough love. Sometimes we need a verbal slap to give us a reality check. They'll thank me in 10 or 20 years when they have experienced real life and find that I was absolutely correct. I'm not just talking from my ass. I have been there, done that and have the scars to prove it. They'll have a run in with a partner's psycho ex and understand exactly why I warned them against this mindset. It only takes once. They will see it first in someone else and then, if they are really brave and exceptionally self aware, they might see it in themselves. But when they do, my words will ring in their ears. Then they will know what to do to fix it. How do you think I learned? I was the same. I was naive and I was warned. I ignored the warning too. Until the real world barged in and kicked me in the teeth. At that moment, I wished desperately that I had taken that advice. Instead, I had to suffer needlessly. Not my smartest moment.
I'm just another adult who is trying to guide and protect. I just don't sugarcoat things. That doesn't make my advice any less heartfelt, sincere or correct.
after high school honda gave him kawasaki address and he started to stalk kawasaki...and with that time...he sleep with another men? His love towards kawasaki really that strong? Just think about it..make me angry. Only that part i really hate it. It makes me want to punch the uke. But other than that..everything is good!!