WTF Siwon?

mayinu April 2, 2018 2:19 pm

Siwon has broken Jinha's heart SO many times already JUST FUCKING STOP YOU LITTLE BRAT!

Like, I get he's feeling a lot of pressure because of Korean society and he's own prejudices, but this is too much already. You have been going on dates, you have been kissing and you still don't want to accept your and his feelings? stop it.

The worst part is that I read the raws and there's still a few more scenes of Siwon been shit to Jinha to come =_=

I just hope that, at the end, it's not Jinha who goes after Siwon again, but the other way around. Siwon need to win him back on his own and really show that he wants him.

    Lovestory321 April 2, 2018 6:48 pm

    I hope Jinha wont forgive him that esily...