Fei's brother is dead

Fei's brother will come out later. He is also related to the enemy behind this time.

Feilong's brother Yan in the Finder No Rakuin, the novel dies at the hands of Yoh. Any thing is possible but if she is going to bring the walking dead back, the best bet would be Yuri, uncle of Mikhail. Yuri could have survived maybe a fall off a boat full of bullet holes to seek revenge at some point? Yan is dead (as of the novel) which some may not know exists. True Yan shows a hate of Asami and would make a great opponent. He shows all the true signs of crazy, (hates Asami and Feilong). He is dead.

Sorry for dropping the sad news but Yan is DEAD and COLD.

People have posted diff, translations of it on goggle. You can go and goggle it try there. there was one some one put up here a few years ago. You are free to check through Just google Finder no Rakuin, try that.

People have posted diff, translations of it on goggle. You can go and goggle it try there. there was one some one put up here a few years ago. You are free to check through Just google Finder no Rakuin, try that seeif that gets you any thing.

You are welcome. Written after events of Takaba being saved in HK. some time before the present events.
Could it be that Feilon's brother is behind everything?? After he was shot, he disappeared. I'm not sure, if anybody think that could be him or some else... Please comment.