
RiriMay April 1, 2018 5:49 pm

Seeing all these comments about shipping wars is just so pathetic, it's just a fucking story, calm the fuck down. Respect each other's ships and move on with life, not everything goes the way you want it to. Don't be encouraging others to join in on your immaturity, just state your opinion in a reasonable way and leave.

    Anonymous April 1, 2018 5:57 pm

    I agree. The name calling and attacking on a personal level will ruin this comment section for all.

    bimblefrog April 1, 2018 6:33 pm

    Yea, but I mean there's not much a person can do when certain individuals want to make a sport of a really good manwha and create these infamous "shipwars" (I guess it gives them an adrenaline rush?)- other than to call them out on their repetitive BS. And engage in real conversation with other readers who have actual theories, etc. If you read all of my comments you'll see that I personally hold true to that.
    so funny that the anon above says the shit about name calling and all that when they are the ones that RELENTLESSLY push for their pathetic ship when all most people want to do is read the latest chapter and predict what will happen next.

    now let's be real? would I personally be mad if Mono ends up with Lego? Fucking no! If that's what Mums intended then I'm all for it. SHIPWARS ARE STUPID.

    maychan April 1, 2018 7:44 pm

    the problam is they won't stop been rude, no matter what you say to them.
    has for me ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ I don't really mind the ship's but I do admit to love sorting ship's. but I just don't like Mono anymore, he lost my interest.

    bimblefrog April 1, 2018 8:02 pm

    ah dear maychan and glitterbaby have been incredibly annoying all morning long. so exhausting (but slightly entertaining. I wouldn't engage in their circle-like arguments if I didn't get some amusement out of it haha). comments below re: shipping, name calling, and whatnot are below for readers with nothing else to do to read and catch up. why repeat ourselves when there's so much other cool stuff to discuss? like the flowers and hades', Lucifer's and Raphael's role in all of this.

    at the very least, I now know without a doubt whose comments to gloss over next time a chapter is posted. I can only imagine the havoc they'll cause when shit truly hits the fan plot-wise ;-O

    Anonymous April 1, 2018 8:12 pm

    Anorher thing which I have seen is the shaming of non-native english speakers, which is a good example of the "attacking at a personal level".

    bimblefrog April 1, 2018 8:22 pm

    @anonymous - when you try to insult me repeatedly (I know who you are anon), you can't expect me to take you seriously when the hate you spew my way isn't even making sense and/or written correctly. proofread your posts before you upload them.
    I just reread a bunch of messages from this morning and it seems like the lego shippers were the ones to take all of this waaaaay too seriously. and what's sad is that you are so obsessive that you didn't even bother to realize that I personally am ok with lego being mono as long as that is what Mums (the creator) wants. this "shipwar" was instigated by you and people like you for no real reason. monoxbaron people and other shippers are quiet because honestly it is hellish trying to reason with anyone from your so-called "army".

    Glitterbaby's Girl April 1, 2018 10:14 pm
    the problam is they won't stop been rude, no matter what you say to them. has for me ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ I don't really mind the ship's but I do admit to love sorting ship's. but I just don't like Mono anymore, ... maychan

    I don't like mono too much anymore especially since he is rude to mananan and Lego but I'm not gonna be too hard on him seeing as he lost his personality a little bit.

    maychan April 1, 2018 10:41 pm
    I don't like mono too much anymore especially since he is rude to mananan and Lego but I'm not gonna be too hard on him seeing as he lost his personality a little bit. Glitterbaby's Girl

    I guess you right, he did lose his Memories after all. but it soo hard to care for Mono. he so rude and mean to everyone now ╥﹏╥ at first he was so nice and playful.
    I guess we need to wait and see what will happen with him. but if he keep been an ass, I just ignore him.

    Glitterbaby's Girl April 1, 2018 11:22 pm

    Yeah that's why i figured he'd go Good with Lego because Lego didn't mind it lol....but if Barron and mono do get together then Good for them, i want Lego with Sunday now lol

    RiriMay April 2, 2018 3:08 am

    I've honestly seen all of you contribute to the chaos in some way, but I hope that in the future things calm down. The best thing to do is simply ignore the comments you disagree with and just make a comment of your own stating the problem. Sadly, people are still continuing to be childish despite of this post, it's inevitable really. It's okay to not like something, but being an ass about it and saying something like "Mono×Lego army unite!" Is very unnecessary. I'm just annoyed because people are focusing too much on their ships rather than the actual story and how the author is trying to depict it. Now people are fighting rather than making informative comments, and it's starting to ruin the webtoon itself.

    maychan April 2, 2018 3:25 am
    I've honestly seen all of you contribute to the chaos in some way, but I hope that in the future things calm down. The best thing to do is simply ignore the comments you disagree with and just make a comment of... RiriMay

    this comment wasn't actually the worst part like cursing others and calling them horrible names ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
    but you get my point, I"m not saying everyone should agree on ships. but at least stop been mean or cursing others over it. but that just me (⌒▽⌒)

    Glitterbaby's Girl April 2, 2018 3:32 am
    I've honestly seen all of you contribute to the chaos in some way, but I hope that in the future things calm down. The best thing to do is simply ignore the comments you disagree with and just make a comment of... RiriMay

    I'm sure if the tables were turned and it was monoxlego the other shippers would be upset too...i mean its what people do when they really want something.....but the main point I was trying to make was that she shouldn't be going on threads shaming people and cussing at people cause of the ships they like...its not right....but you're right in the sense that we should've just ignored her....but then again a person can't just skate through life offending people not expect to be put in their place

    maychan April 2, 2018 11:18 am
    I'm sure if the tables were turned and it was monoxlego the other shippers would be upset too...i mean its what people do when they really want something.....but the main point I was trying to make was that she... Glitterbaby's Girl

    I totally agree. no matter how we look at it, one of the shippers will be bitter. that how this comic was build I guess ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ to make us somehow bitter.
    and yeas she was wrong and should not offend others only cause she not agree with them. hurting others is never justified.