Mono will be with Lego in the end XP

When in doubt, check chapter 37, page 10.

I can’t believe that some people actually down voted your comment... Baron X Mono shippers you are not being very nice....

Tbh, we have been raining on their parade as well, but a wounded shipper is bound to lash out ヽ(`Д´)ノ

I know right?


OMG THANK YOUUU!!! I forget about that hahahhaha aww they are soooo cuteeeeee!!!

well, it's still possible, the odds are 90:10 in Baron favor tho

the fact that your need to comment everything here, every post and every sentence is creepy ..you and one more person here ,I can't read anyone's comment without yours suggest . I will just say -it's too early to celebrate

Hunny even if they DO downvote they're always be more monoxlego shoppers than monoxbarron shoppers lol....but still it doesn't matter what we want...if the author is strong in strength then i hope she does the ending she wanted lol...cause its the authors story and not ours....but I'm sure she'll go for monoxlego lol

that's not accurate. there are A LOT of readers that are NOT obsessed with Lego like you are. calm your tits girl. if anything maybe this should prompt you to write fanfics and share them with the rest of your "army" so y'all can calm down and enjoy the story mums has had in mind since the beginning.
Soo where is My Mono x Lego army???? Come on people ,be strong!!!