YEP YEP YEP! I do! I was watching today too!
I rec these drama/movies REALLY hard... Some need to be rewatched in order to understand the plot better cause it's so deep. (not in order)
1* Addicted (Cn)
2* Night flight (kr)
3* HIStory Obsessed (taiwan) (I was surprised you didn't mention the third. It's the best in my pov... UHHH such hot make out scenes!!!! )
4* Method (kr) (Defo needs a re-watch in order to understand it better. The actors are all really attractive. For me it's a plus that the uke looks like an K-pop idol!)
5* 2 moons (Thai) (sososososo cute and corny just like a typical shonen ai. There is almost no gay prejudice.)
6* Uncontrolled/Irresistable Love 1&2 (cn) (I feel really bad uke in this one)
* Like Love (cn) (Lmao mainly because I saw the uncut version. They are so cute.)
* Make it Right (Thai) (a lot like the one below but it's gayer with multiple couples. I personally find the second couple a bit like mayaxnemu. )
* Love Sick (Thai) (this is the first bl drama I watched. I really like the credit songs!)
* Doushitemo Furetakunai ( jap) (Tbh I liked the fact that the actors didn't use excessive hair products in this one Lmao. They were good looking.)
* Udagawacho de matte yo (jap) (same pov as the one above :))
* I am really looking forward to watch Hidamari ga kikoeru (I loved the trailer so much!)
* one more... The Lover (kr) (it's basically a dirty gag about 4 couples living in an apartment in which the fourth is the bl one . They have very little screen time, but I mostly skip to their part :p. They are both so hot! An envy for all the other males)

where did you watch History 2?

both site have everything .

Hey cutie Izumi >< there is no definite place to watch, YouTube, Dailymotion, Kissasian are the sites I mostly watch them. I suggest you type the names in Google and dig the depths yourself... I also suggest these blogs to get direct links for some of them:
Aww I am rooting for you to top Ryoma. Do your best lulu.

+advance bravely
2 moons
this stuff is purer as compared to others
Hey guys
so I wanted to know that are there any BL dramas or movie lovers here?
Like a few of my personal favorites are
SOTUS 1 and s
Advance bravely
HIstory 1 and 2(my ot1)
What the duck
Round trip to love1 and 2
Takumi-kun series
are there any that you guys watch?