While I agree that rape cannot be trivial, I follow the main train of thought expressed in the manga that CONSENT IS IMPORTANT. Reality dictates that the victim should have been more angry and traumatized than Yuuri here, however the author breezes past all of that potential drama. Instead the author, makes a grand show about Viktor's remorse/guilt and subsequent reluctance to make a move unless Yuuri okays it.
Sure, things turn out alright in the end. And yes, it is VERY uncomfortable about how fast Yuuri recovers from that ordeal, given how unwilling he was before and how Viktor's confidence and self-respect shatters at the word "rape". But I don't think the author trivializes rape, however instead focuses on the need to gain consent before becoming intimate with someone.
While I agree that rape cannot be trivial, I follow the main train of thought expressed in the manga that CONSENT IS IMPORTANT. Reality dictates that the victim should have been more angry and traumatized than Yuuri here, however the author breezes past all of that potential drama. Instead the author, makes a grand show about Viktor's remorse/guilt and subsequent reluctance to make a move unless Yuuri okays it.
Sure, things turn out alright in the end. And yes, it is VERY uncomfortable about how fast Yuuri recovers from that ordeal, given how unwilling he was before and how Viktor's confidence and self-respect shatters at the word "rape". But I don't think the author trivializes rape, however instead focuses on the need to gain consent before becoming intimate with someone.