Quick question

Risa95 March 31, 2018 4:14 am

Do you know any BL manga that's been dropped by translators (NOT the mangaka), that you REALLY want to see it finished?

    Risa95 March 31, 2018 1:58 pm
    I am so obsess by this one...Korean manhwa called Crazy In Love.... Idk why it is dropped but the chapters are still on going...If I just learn how to read korean or someone woud translate it.... I would bet my... NeetyNayd v 2.0

    welp, I can't read Korean so I can't help there ╥﹏╥

    Risa95 March 31, 2018 1:59 pm
    I think it’s Bukiyou na Silent. The translators dropped it because the manga was licensed. ╥﹏╥ cynicalscribbler

    Ah, license... every broke fujoshi's enemy :(

    Risa95 March 31, 2018 2:15 pm
    Hold on to your seats cause I got a fewHaisha natnte mirai da!Junjou ookamri-sa to kohisuji-kunRadical blood monsterAijin incubusMori no animal companyPunch upPrivate MagicianAnimal xWagamama warnke no shitsuke... Evilcookie

    LOL 'a few' is a bit of an understatement there.

    I didn't realise 'Hadakeru Kaibutsu' got dropped. (I was waiting for its update!) I'll try to contact the group and see if I can continue it if they really dropped it (and if they hv the raws).

    For 'Skin', the author hasn't been updating the manga. So it's not the translators who's been MIA.

    'Harukaze no Etranger' is just updated really slowly. The scanlation team is still active.

    That's all I know from your list. I'm not familiar as to what happened with all the other ones, soz.

    Risa95 March 31, 2018 2:18 pm
    Super loverss . Pllllleaaaaaasseeeeee bogum

    welp, it seems that no one has the Japanese raws for it. I can only translate from Japanese. Sorry :(

    NeetyNayd v 2.0 March 31, 2018 3:36 pm
    welp, I can't read Korean so I can't help there ╥﹏╥ Risa95

    Oh, it is all right.. that is just me releasing my inner thoughts...
    How about bukiyou no/na silent??? The raws are pretty much available online or is it really that scary to translate the manga???

    Evilcookie March 31, 2018 3:53 pm
    LOL 'a few' is a bit of an understatement there.I didn't realise 'Hadakeru Kaibutsu' got dropped. (I was waiting for its update!) I'll try to contact the group and see if I can continue it if they really droppe... Risa95

    Thanks! And sorry for the long list( ̄∇ ̄") sucks that Skin is gone.

    Naruniya March 31, 2018 5:54 pm
    There is still an continuation about that scene??? Never knew that.... thank you for the correction NeetyNayd v 2.0

    Yeah there’s like 8 chapters after the last translated one, someone uploaded the raws if u want to see them

    NeetyNayd v 2.0 April 1, 2018 1:32 am
    Yeah there’s like 8 chapters after the last translated one, someone uploaded the raws if u want to see them http://www.mangago.me/read-manga/take_care_of_my_housekeeper/raw/iur_chapter-25/pg-1/ Naruniya

    Thanks..... I see now... I mixed this one with another manhwa, by an author sagold.... but I do read this one too..... I know now what did confuse me

    Risa95 April 1, 2018 12:39 pm
    Thanks! And sorry for the long list( ̄∇ ̄") sucks that Skin is gone. Evilcookie

    I found out from another scanlator team (Hoshi) that the team doing Hadakeru is just busy with real life right now. They haven't dropped the series apparently.

    Risa95 April 1, 2018 12:45 pm
    Oh, it is all right.. that is just me releasing my inner thoughts...How about bukiyou no/na silent??? The raws are pretty much available online or is it really that scary to translate the manga??? NeetyNayd v 2.0

    When translating, there's a few stuff that I hv to consider. 1) to make sure that I hv permission and credit the raw provider (coz they're the one who legally bought the manga). 2) to make sure it's not licensed (coz I don't wanna be chased with legal claims) 3) to make sure that another group isn't working on it (or I'll set off an online fight coz they technically was working on it first). And on top of translating, there's still the cleaning, editing, and proofreading to do.

    So... I guess it's kinda scary and the whole process is tedious considering I'm not paid for this lol. Tbh, I'm leaning towards translating a new manga instead of continuing a dropped series atm.

    NeetyNayd v 2.0 April 1, 2018 1:22 pm
    When translating, there's a few stuff that I hv to consider. 1) to make sure that I hv permission and credit the raw provider (coz they're the one who legally bought the manga). 2) to make sure it's not license... Risa95

    Yeah... Urgh.... I could now feel the pressure.... well sorry for being too abrupt on you....
    Risking your normal life for free translations does not worth it at all... I could understand...

    Risa95 April 1, 2018 2:23 pm
    Yeah... Urgh.... I could now feel the pressure.... well sorry for being too abrupt on you.... Risking your normal life for free translations does not worth it at all... I could understand... NeetyNayd v 2.0

    Haha, no worries. I did ask what series hv been dropped coz I was tempted to continue on rather than starting a completely new series. But it seems that most scanlation teams are just busy with real life stuff rather than 'dropping' the series per se.

    Anonymous April 20, 2018 5:17 pm

    That summer

    It a manhwa , a really good one , I have no idea what happened to it , and it was so beautiful ,