I am totally with you girl! Big, thick, brawny men that could toss my 140 lb frame around a bed like a ragdoll! And if they are tanned and toned from working, like on a ranch, in logging, on a boat or in construction.... damn it makes my lady boner throb just thinking about it! Hair is of little consequence to me, I won't be looking past their neck anyway! LMAO

You and I will be great friends...you have such great taste

I just found him while watching Justice League trailers, and I was like, Yep, he's the perfect man! and then I search for every movie he was in, and just then I found he was in Game of Thrones, by the way I'd never watch it except for some videos with a few minutes in them. but I plan to buy all the seasons I can.
That's one of my fetishes right there. I love muscled men, but not the ones who abused that by being overly muscley (is muscley the correct word? is it even a word?)
But I love even if they had long hair besides muscles!!! A.K.A. Jason Momoa! that man has everything I like in a man! Long live Jason Momoa!!!!