Dj cute baby story in: https://madaotosufanpage.wordpress.com/2017/05/19/transdj-tong-hieu-vong-tien-thien-than-by/

and https://trungopduongblog.wordpress.com/ma-dao-to-su/phien-ngoai-lu-huong/
wordpass: madaotosu
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Aaaaaa could someone do a rough translation?(/TДT)/

Since I'm reading it anyway.
At the beginning Wei Ying was messing around in the room. He found an incense burner- He stated that there is no evil coming from it. Lan Wangji told him to stop messing around and it's time to go to bed.
They woke up in a different world - It's Wei Ying's dream. He dreamt that they live a peaceful life where Lan Wangji would cook for him, be his bookkeeper, and heat up the water so they can take a bath together. He ended that he always wake up before they get into the bath together. So he is a little depressed.
Next it was Lan Wangji's dream. It started out exactly like what happen in the past except when they started fighting. In the past they didn't fight in the library, but in Lan Wangji's dream they fought. Wei Ying said that Lan Wangji knows him very well because everything after they started fighting about what he would have said would be correct. The moment Dream Lan Wangji took off his head ribbon to tie up Dream Wei Ying, Wei Ying knew the dream was heading to sex. So he was making fun of Lan Wangji- Lan Wangji stood up and wanted to leave.
But Wei Ying told him that he wanted to continue watching since the good part coming soon. The kids continue to argued, Dream Wei Ying stated that there is a lot of stuff that Lan Wangji didn't know like 'adult stuff'. Well... Dream Lan Wangji argued that he does know, and he started touching Dream Wei Ying. By this time Lan Wangji face is coming red, and Wei Ying can't stop laughing and teasing him. Wei Ying made the comment that the dream him is a virgin, and even if Lan Wangji was a child, his thing wasn't. They kissed, and did it. I don't understand what Wei Ying said at the end, but I think it was I finish watching this. You shouldn't let him go already, you should do it until he dies.
The dream Wei Ying begged Dream Lan Wangji to stopped. Dream Lan Wangji kissed Dream Wei Ying. They continued and when they were done. Wei Ying said since they're done, maybe we should. Lan Wangji continued. Wei Ying stated that He said Dream Lan Wangji to do Dream Wei Ying to death not for Lan Wangji to do him to death.
That is pretty much the summary.

in the first link ( http://chysan.com/threads/raw-vong-tien...) you have to press spoiler to read the dj, the first is on chapters 51 to 54 of the novel, cute scene


or: https://chintarinmochin.blogspot.fr/2017/02/fanart-ma-ao-to-su-10.html
this is chapter 31 of the novel, here Lan Wangji is drunk and Wei Ying takes care of him (so funny)

https://chintarinmochin.blogspot.fr/2017/02/fanart-ma-ao-to-su-11.html Translated
Wei Ying - Lan Wagji bring your forehead ribbon here.
Wei Ying's thoughts - There is nothing different when he is drunk, it's just much easier to order around.
Wei Ying- Ahh! What are you doing?
Wei Ying - Take this off of me!
Background behind Lan Wangji- TAKE OFF HIS CLOTHES
Not take off my clothes.... But take off the ribbon on my hands.....
SFX: Swift Swift
dj mo dao zu shi cute scene in https://hongnki.wordpress.com/2016/11/14/ma-dao-to-su-doujinshi-6/