I really hate my little sis.. Everything she did wrong, I will be blamed by my mom. And wh...

Anonymous March 28, 2018 4:07 am

I really hate my little sis.. Everything she did wrong, I will be blamed by my mom. And what my lil sis did, she just acted like she did nothing wrong and even blamed me for her wrong doings..fml(╯°□°)╯︵( .o.)
But the point is, I already 23 years old and my lil sis 2 years younger than me.. I wonder why she don't act like a mature person?.. Maybe my parents spoiled her too much?

    fucking stfu March 28, 2018 4:10 am

    wtf "everything" so if she broke a glass cup, it's your fault? bitch your parents are favoring kids. they are to blame. your sis is just exploiting that.

    Nonni March 28, 2018 4:33 am

    You still live with your parents? Maybe time to move out, my relationship with my folks improved when I moved out.

    Right in the kokoro March 28, 2018 5:52 am

    Move out so that hoe can't blame you for her shit anymore.

    Bladestar26 March 30, 2018 8:55 am

    Wow , my older sister is the one who blames me for her doings and she is older than me by two years .

    dawny March 30, 2018 9:12 am

    I don't mean to offend, but please tell me there aren't parents that seriously scold a 23 YEAR OLD and blame him/her for something their 21 YEAR OLD sister did. Like honestly, she's old enough to live by herself. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    Bladestar26 May 10, 2018 6:50 pm

    You need to introduce your parents to reality and if they don't accept it, either stay in your room 24/7 or make your sister know her place.
    For me I stay in my room 24/7 reading manga and nobody notices

    Pri IV May 10, 2018 7:29 pm

    Uwaah, I'm the youngest even as a cousin so I'm spoilt af. Can relate to the younger sis XD
    Okey, joke aside, I think you should show your parents something solid that proves you're not to blame. And if they treat you unfairly, like others said, move out. Try living your own and you'll even stop thinking about it(like my older sis. we fought 24/7 but now she sends me money, books and souvenirs XD)