Hollup ya'll are.going "rape rape rape rape rape" like a bunch of birds going after bread....

nilsuki March 25, 2018 6:54 am

Hollup ya'll are.going "rape rape rape rape rape" like a bunch of birds going after bread. First of all let me.define what rape is from an accurate source (ah dictionary)
a. The crime of using force or the threat of force to compel a person to submit to sexual intercourse.
b. The crime of using force or threat of force to compel a person to submit to some other sexual penetration.
c. Other unlawful sexual intercourse or penetration, as with an unconscious person or person below the age of or incapable of consent.
d. An instance of any of these crimes.

Basically that. So, no one really threatened anyone here so that's out of question. And when it comes to using force, the dude himself wanted it, tire it was sudden, but it was mutual! Unless we consider the seme's feelings, then it's not mutual on his part. The uke wanted it, he literally asked, as obviously and directly possible, to convey his feelings of wanting to have sex him. İf you're talking about the dick shoving thing, he could've bit his dick off but guess what? He chose not to BECAUSE HE WANTED TO DO İT AS WELL. Yeesh, I get it that the theme of rape is overused in yaoi but I'm this case you'll are being unnecessarily sensitive. I don't even get what's wrong with this.

    Carmella October 19, 2019 10:47 pm

    Btw, the definition of rape was established by men, oftentimes those inclined to rape or forgiving those with such inclinations. Consent is key and causing physical harm w/o consent in a sexual context is still assault and/or rape... as the definition is being UPDATED by the victims who are no longer willing to be scared into silence.