so upon rereading this manga due to hype of the new anime to be released, i came up with a...

YAOIWAT March 25, 2018 4:46 am

so upon rereading this manga due to hype of the new anime to be released, i came up with a theory (which may or may not be totally wrong and im may just be seeing things). I have a feeling that Akemi isnt inlove with Itome despite them dating. I feel like its one sided on Itome's part.

If you read this page:
Toono states that dating someone you dont love would be playing with their emotions, and Akemi kind of...idk how to explain it... his facial expression switches from happy and cheery to a sudden neautral expression - like a sudden realisation of some sort. It may also explain the photo Toono finds of Akemi and Minami senpai ( ) - maybe Akemi was dating Minami senpai, and then they broke up OR Akemi had unrequited feelings for Minami senpai. Itome may had been inlove with Akemi and confessed after they broke up or after Minami left the school, and to compensate for his broken heart, Akemi ends up dating Itome hoping to "fall inlove along the way" (as said on page 12)

i just thought id point it out since i did not remember reading or realise this part the first time i read it
