I can't take all this drama and I hate that I am now starting to hate this manhwa I once love. I mean this whole drama could be avoided by talking it through but I guess its only in Naruto that conflicts could be resolved by talking lol
Lol if this was anything like Naruto, we would've seen another 10 chapters on how the main chacter's friends are also dealing with hardship and learn that their dad died or something. If you really watch Naruto, they all fought til everyone's near death's door THEN talking comes.
I did and the thing is since Naruto is Shounen it was sort of expected to have less talk after an epic fight scene, don't get me wrong, Naruto was one of my favorite mangas and I would have even prepare for a bloody fight scene in this manhwa than this, my poor heart is bleeding. help.
I can't take all this drama and I hate that I am now starting to hate this manhwa I once love. I mean this whole drama could be avoided by talking it through but I guess its only in Naruto that conflicts could be resolved by talking lol