Misinformation in the story..

agave March 22, 2018 7:42 pm

D.I.D. doesn´t happen because a person wants to be someone else or like someone else.. it happens because a person (usually a child) can´t take pain anymore, so the brain does something to protect itself; it creates another personality.

    38ren April 7, 2018 12:26 am

    Yea that's what I thought too, but in a way wasn't she in pain because she was afraid to admit her feelings or her sexuality?

    KimJungYang August 11, 2018 1:25 am
    Yea that's what I thought too, but in a way wasn't she in pain because she was afraid to admit her feelings or her sexuality? 38ren

    I think it could've been both that's making her like that

    trinityanne October 15, 2018 6:37 pm
    Yea that's what I thought too, but in a way wasn't she in pain because she was afraid to admit her feelings or her sexuality? 38ren

    combine her confusion with the fact that the girl she liked ended up causing her a ton of trauma developing a split personality comes as no real shock at all

    kim July 21, 2019 6:26 pm

    Social situations in HS are more hurtful than any physical pain

    trinityanne July 22, 2019 7:05 pm
    Social situations in HS are more hurtful than any physical pain kim

    that statement is far far to true

    kim July 22, 2019 8:56 pm
    that statement is far far to true trinityanne

    I think alot of older folk forget that in HS other kids don't have to touch you for you to wish you were dead the smallest things can seem monumentous!

    kim July 22, 2019 9:28 pm
    Yea that's what I thought too, but in a way wasn't she in pain because she was afraid to admit her feelings or her sexuality? 38ren

    Well HS kids today seldom get physical its normally social bullying by hatful taunts
    or cyber bullying that can get real serious driving some kids to suicide!

    trinityanne July 22, 2019 11:46 pm
    Well HS kids today seldom get physical its normally social bullying by hatful taunts or cyber bullying that can get real serious driving some kids to suicide! kim

    i still remember high school and it was not a good time in my life at all period

    kim July 23, 2019 4:34 am
    i still remember high school and it was not a good time in my life at all period trinityanne

    That should never of happen to you im sorry I don't have problems with the girls at my school but Im not ignorant to whats happening around me either.

    trinityanne July 24, 2019 4:07 am
    That should never of happen to you im sorry I don't have problems with the girls at my school but Im not ignorant to whats happening around me either. kim

    first off i am male my daughter and i created this account together when she was still living with me here in the US she is now living back in japan with my grandsons and her wife i just keep using the account we created together so that 1 i could learn a bit more about what interested my daughter and 2 so that my daughter could try and come out to me which i did not get until she moved back to japan 5 years ago and met her now wife and i outed her in a manner that left my daughter redder than i have ever seen her in her life

    kim July 24, 2019 4:23 am
    first off i am male my daughter and i created this account together when she was still living with me here in the US she is now living back in japan with my grandsons and her wife i just keep using the account ... trinityanne

    ahaha.. My dad did the same to me back in JHS he said you don't have to hide from me just be careful kids can be cruel. I go to an all girls school in manhattan Im sure things would've been different if I went to a mixed gender school.

    trinityanne July 24, 2019 11:19 am
    ahaha.. My dad did the same to me back in JHS he said you don't have to hide from me just be careful kids can be cruel. I go to an all girls school in manhattan Im sure things would've been different if I went ... kim

    i can see that my younger daughter is 100% always open about the fact that she is a lesbian however my older daughter due to where she lives has had some problems like for instance her wife has had issues picking up my grandson's from school a couple of times before my daughter's grandfather who owns the school put his foot down honestly i think it really depends on where you live the more open and friendly area's like canada and the west coast of the us are some of the best area's in the world if you are gay trans or anything else that is within the LGBTQ+ . keep in mind how i outed my older daughter was she and i were talking on the computer and her now wife walked into camera view and gently caressed my daughters arm shoulder and her right breast as we are talking and all i asked her was how her girlfriend tastes lol

    kim July 24, 2019 4:43 pm
    i can see that my younger daughter is 100% always open about the fact that she is a lesbian however my older daughter due to where she lives has had some problems like for instance her wife has had issues picki... trinityanne

    Thats true like NYC has one of the largest gay-lesbian communities adoption n marriage is legal too. But we still have along way to go as far as unwarranted hate so like my dad says always be aware of those around you. I found that its not the ones who are openly against same sex relations but the ones who smile n act friendly that slip pass your guard. I'm just lucky to have been born in this era an be surrounded by family an friends that support me. So theres nothing special you have to do for your girls just treat your daughters normally like any other girl thats my advise it lets the know theirs nothing wrong with them their just like everyone else.

    trinityanne July 24, 2019 7:43 pm
    Thats true like NYC has one of the largest gay-lesbian communities adoption n marriage is legal too. But we still have along way to go as far as unwarranted hate so like my dad says always be aware of those aro... kim

    i do treat them normally and i have and will do anything they ask if somebody is causing them trouble because that is my job as a father to protect

    kim July 24, 2019 9:06 pm
    i do treat them normally and i have and will do anything they ask if somebody is causing them trouble because that is my job as a father to protect trinityanne

    I have no doubt your daughters are the same as me a Daddy's Girl.LOL

    trinityanne July 26, 2019 6:11 pm
    I have no doubt your daughters are the same as me a Daddy's Girl.LOL kim

    yes and no my older daughter yes very much so we talk pretty much daily my younger daughter however almost never contacts me unless she has some design issues then and only then does she call or message me more often than not though it is a an email or a message