Alright! Let me try to explain this season's story!

RedFromMars March 22, 2018 4:44 pm

This is how I understand the story being told. And at the end I'll also add the lose points that I think are still missing. And for a first, this'll be a long post...
The theme for this season is about memory loss. Important memories of Monday and Mono to be exact.
It's spring time, hades season... and there's a legend about people missing and when they came back they lost their memories and you can smell flowers.
First hades world, where Mananan, Mon, Mono and Baron fell down. It's kind of a memory harvest and he collected the spring flowers for persophone (her wife).
About losing their memories, there's another legend Mon had mention, orpheus and eurydice. A background about this myth... they're a couple, married and lived happily but it was predicted that their perfection was not meant to last for years. Eurydice died. After some events, Hades was pleased by Orpheus and he gave Eurydice back to him. They will be together again in the condition that he will not look back until he leave that underworld but in the end he looked back and Eurydice was gone forever. Apparently, they have 6 days and hades will return the important memories so they have to go back to where they lost them.
As to why Monday and Mono was targeted... my theory is that it has something to do with the "revelation" gram sees. Also Raphael and Lucifer has something distributed on this. If you remember, Raphael proposed a game to Lucifer and Raphael is the one who handle's Lilith. And Lilith has something to do why Monday and Mono falls down in the Netherland.

Regarding the memories... it is said that Hades only gets the normal memories and not the important ones but in the story's case, Mon and Mono had lost important memories. One example of lost memories that was given as explained by Rum; "the person might actually remember he loves the other but he might not remember the reasons why." so the fundamental of feelings and how it is handled might be different. As people live base on their important memories this is like being death.

Now the relationships, Mananan and Monday...
Mananan is insecure because Monday never confirmed his feelings for him (didn't say i love you), he thinks Mon was just being swayed by him. he worries that Mon's wish was something like to end their relationship (apparently, the wish is one of Mon's lost memories so we still don't know what that is though it was said that he realized something he wants after talking to Mono). Since some parts of the memory may come back more clearly, Sunday(Mon's brother) suggest to take Mon to a completely unfamiliar place to reduce the shock. That's why currently he's in Mananan's place.

Mono and Baron... (even though I ship this, in this post I'll explain how It looks obejectively)
We got to see that Mono has a past relationship (first love that didn't work). Baron(Mananan's father) was introduced as someone who let him know what love is and made him know that he can't get anything that he desire. There are still a lot of lose ends with their story but what we have now is that, when Mono was young he fools around and tease people like he do now. And Baron is one of the people he approach to fools around with. They have a sort of relationship where they both have affections for each other and they still call themselves "friends". It was hinted that the relationship breakoff and that Mono runs away from Baron. That Mono did something to Baron. At the end of the latest chapter... forgetting something, Mono kisses Baron and wonders why he should push him away and begs him to don't come near him.
So in this relationship we don't know what did Mono do to Baron. As his last line before exiting the netherworld, "i didn't regret what happened at all... eh, but... why did I do that back then?". I think this might be related to angel's duties. Angels are defined by duties after all.

Mono and Lego...
Since Lego came (even from the first season) he always have a vital role on the turns of events. Lego has been targeted by mares and demons and Lilith (in this season) and is always saved by Mono. It is made clear that Lego likes Mono but he tries to deny it(because he's a tsundere xD), refer to his conversation with his childhood friend. After the trial, Mono had told him that he don't have to come to the department anymore but still returns there and this is because he's wondering who called out to him. (Refer to Ch.30) This is after the retrial when Raphael, Uriel and Baron arrived at Lucifers office. At first I thought it might be Mono or Baron but on the next chapter it was shown that Mono was talking to Baron then so I'm not sure but my guess is its Raphael who called out to him. Because Raphael handles Lilith and Lilith was there when Lego realizes about the flowers. In the latest chapter, Lego is shown to be worried that Mono loses his important memories and base on his attitude he might do something about it. Demons are defined by instincts after all.

Monday and Mono...
This season is about their story and base on the current things presented by the author, I see similar things between them...
They both live base from their important memories (sad and burdensome memories).
second, they are both afraid of losing something important.
"To love someone and break up with them, that gives lots of fears."
"Why did i think that? I'm going to lose him anyway."
"Do you think we were born to be happy? Do you think we can be as happy as before?"
"Sometimes emotions are difficult."
"Emotions are borrowed concept which means they must return it once given a task. What's the point anyway?"
"Then again, when I think about it... it was enough time for both of us to change. We're just going to split up again anyway."
"If both sadness and happiness are predetermined, should we even try to be happy?"
"We are so pitiful." *You are too much of a burden.

This is all my observations and understanding of the story of how the author presented it to us readers. I hope it help other people who kind of got confused by the story. Sorry for the long post and thanks for reading. I hope things will get clearer on the next chapters. :D
I've really become invested in this manhwa. I love the angst this season. It's so beautiful I felt like I would cry. T^T

    catlady_101 March 22, 2018 7:32 pm

    Omg tysm! I was so confused to be honest and this helps me a lot ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    sarina:) March 22, 2018 10:54 pm

    thankss so much this helped alot

    RajahMujer March 22, 2018 11:56 pm

    Thanks so much for this. I had to read the entire thing coz DEYM ~ I am confused AF.

    bimblefrog March 23, 2018 7:38 am

    wow, your reading comprehension skills are of the charts!! thank you so much for sharing this. the flower harvesting bit sounds really interesting - I wonder if mums will go more in depth with that.

    you know, Monday is said to be the demon of sorrow - does that mean his life is and will be continue to be sorrowful? also mananan's is fate, mono's is angel of humanity (what does that even mean?!).. I wonder what baron's is.

    interesting - it doesn't matter which manga I always end up liking the Hades character haha. I hope he makes a cameo. but if he doesn't at least I have Lucifer. what a daddy hahaha.

    Raistlin1991 March 23, 2018 1:49 pm

    You made my day! Thank you so much!!! <3

    RedFromMars March 23, 2018 2:06 pm

    You're all welcome. I was kinda surprised to received all this gratitude cause most of the time people don't read long post. I hope the next chapters will come clearer than the previous ones. Though I think the author is going with all the suspense that's why she's delaying all the information. :D

    RedFromMars March 23, 2018 2:24 pm
    wow, your reading comprehension skills are of the charts!! thank you so much for sharing this. the flower harvesting bit sounds really interesting - I wonder if mums will go more in depth with know, Mo... bimblefrog

    you're making me blush, thanks for the compliment >///<
    sorry I don't actually remember Monday being called the demon of sorrow. Though I remember that he's a hybrid. I think there is something between him and he's mother. We always saw his mother reappearing in his dreams. Basically, Mon is just afraid that there will come a time a person's feelings will change and will fade.
    while about Mono... he came from the first family of angels who are born from the breath of god. Apparently, those who are called by god can't say no. It's the duty of an angel. It is said that when an angel born from the breath of god embrace their selves, their physical growth stops. And this is why Mono was introduced in a child/younger appearance. Because he has embraced his duty as angel. That's why it's interesting to see him in his adult form right now. It means he's being shaken choosing between duties or something else... (maybe Baron keke sorry pls excuse my shipping heart m(_ _)m) While about Baron... he's also a hybrid, he's a judge. He came from a high military company who don't accept demons that's why since a child he's been working to prove his worth.
    I also like Hades in every manga. Here it was shown that he has kinda blueish long hair though the face wasn't shown. I doubt its gonna be shown though. I also like Lucifer but I think he's an uke ahaha

    Dorky March 23, 2018 6:19 pm

    You are such a beautiful genius I just want to know your opinion on this one thing. Do you think the reason Lego want to know the identity of the person that called out to him is because of his curiosity? It sounds too simply for me. But then again, I do love Lego so much and is wishing for him to get a very interesting storyline. Also why did Raphael call out to him? You did explain it above but I'm too dumb to understand it apparently.

    RedFromMars March 23, 2018 7:21 pm
    You are such a beautiful genius I just want to know your opinion on this one thing. Do you think the reason Lego want to know the identity of the person that called out to him is because of his curiosity? It so... Dorky

    There are no clear lines on that scene so everything here onwards is just a theory. I think it's more than curiosity. It was never mentioned what did that person said when he called out to Lego. But it must be something important that Lego couldn't just ignore it. I suspect Raphael because he's plotting something against Lucifer and Raphael is acquainted with Lilith and Lilith is a demon. Remember Lilith showed up to Lego when he's remembering what those flowers are? Then Raphael was the one who gave the final verdict/punishment to Lego and that's a probation and under supervision. Don't you think it's suspicious that it moved smoothly like that? Doesn't a retrial means bigger punishment? Why not suspension? Also, Raphael uses an appearance of a woman. Like Mono, he must also have a reason behind this. And my theory is that because he couldn't find love. The history of angels said that when they can't find something to love, they return and devote themselves to God. He seems to pick on Mono and I think that's because Mono found something to love(Baron).

    bimblefrog March 23, 2018 8:46 pm
    you're making me blush, thanks for the compliment >///<sorry I don't actually remember Monday being called the demon of sorrow. Though I remember that he's a hybrid. I think there is something between him... RedFromMars

    the sorrow, fate, humanity etc stuff was in an extra! Rum's was selflessness, and Ginger's possessiveness.
    regarding baron's family, if they are all angels how did end up being a hybrid?
    ohoho Lucifer very well could be - whenever I see him, I just want to eat him up :9

    JustMe March 23, 2018 9:37 pm
    the sorrow, fate, humanity etc stuff was in an extra! Rum's was selflessness, and Ginger's possessiveness.regarding baron's family, if they are all angels how did end up being a hybrid?ohoho Lucifer very well c... bimblefrog

    That's because one of his parents, probably his mom, was a demon. I've noticed, for example, that when Mananan talks about his relatives, they are pictured with long white-greish hair. But Baron has black hair, so he must necessarily be a hybrid.

    Hentai Alice March 23, 2018 10:44 pm


    Anonymous March 24, 2018 11:40 am
    There are no clear lines on that scene so everything here onwards is just a theory. I think it's more than curiosity. It was never mentioned what did that person said when he called out to Lego. But it must be ... RedFromMars

    Lilith is neither angel nor demon, she just played on demons side during festival
    I was also wondering what's is her purpose, she was sent to manage and reorganize the company, but why did she mess with Lego? Did she expect Mono will come to help him?

    Anonymous March 24, 2018 11:51 am

    btw, who won in the end?

    RedFromMars March 25, 2018 4:33 pm
    Lilith is neither angel nor demon, she just played on demons side during festivalI was also wondering what's is her purpose, she was sent to manage and reorganize the company, but why did she mess with Lego? Di... @Anonymous

    you're right, now I remember someone had mentioned that Lilith is neither an angel or a demon. :) I belive she's acquaintance with Raphael so maybe its all about Raphael's plan. (that snake)
    Lilith mess with Lego because Lego seems to know about the flowers. he said, "I'm sure I've seen this flowers before..."
    I'm not sure though if she had anticipated that Lego will go running to Mono.