
LuluKillua March 20, 2018 2:48 pm

Mon hURT Mananan so bad it really pisses me off. He became so insecure bc Mon's so goddamn selfish... and his pride omg his pride.. He just didn't think you had sth important to fight for... He was not underestimating or looking down in you! Even If he was there was no need to fucking punch him like you are supposed to love him no wonder he's so insecure .. and even If your wish is sth romantic related to Mananan I won't forgive you. You just ruined this whole manga. You guys where the only reason I still gave a fck.#-.-)

    kinklop March 20, 2018 4:09 pm

    Calm the fuck down! Mon is dealing with a lot of shit, especially family stuff. Mananan can wait like a good boy.

    Anonymous March 20, 2018 4:49 pm

    You don't even know why's he like that, there's a part of his past we still dont't know and might explain his behaviour.. So chill out

    19Daysisthebest August 17, 2018 6:26 pm

    You just said what I felt 100%. I do not give a single fck about Mon's past. Many people went through shit but that does not definitly not excuse being shit towards INNOCENT people. Mon's dead to me.