Isn't this for the better? Why would a girl who doesn't feel any attraction for the guy end with him only cause he one-sidely have feelings for her? She would hurt herself but also the guy in the process by being a fake. She clearly states she can't give him what he wants, and it's fair she moved on with a girl like that. I didn't have the fate for this author but surprisingly it was handled with taste and good execution on that side of things. Ecchan deserved a bit of happiness herself and it was clear Atsuya wasn't the one who could give it to her, and the girl she was in love wasn't interested in real relationship with her. Now the guy can just move on like Ecchan did and find a girl who would be attracted to him too than being weird creeper cousin.
Dammit if she doesn't end with atsuya... and probably not.. my poor boy...