Hi, just wanna say that I'm super grateful and you're the most hardworking translating group (or person) I've ever seen. Almost a chapter released a day!! So pls don't apologize even if you made a translation mistake! You took the effort to translate it for us FOC, those ungrateful readers can go suck their thumbs and read raws instead! All I can offer you to show my gratefulness is a virtual cookie . Have a good day!

That's 1 of 2 major issues I have. I've been skipping whole chat bubbles and hoping I figure it out by the end of working on the entire chapter. Most of the time I do but especially that last chapter, this one sentence kept popping up so I was sooooo unsure about committing to the sentence that I let that chapter sit in Photoshop for a few hours, far longer than any other chapter that I've done thus far.
I will probably be sending you a message very soon. I'm currently working on the next chapter. :)
I have a few sentences that I'm not sure what they mean or if they could mean something else. It may contain spoilers so if anyone offers, I'll message instead of posting here and also thank you for any and all help you can offer. :)
Edit: If someone offers to help, that person will get a special link to my Photobucket account where the chapter will be uploaded a few hours before it's uploaded here.