:3 If this webtoon ends up having no love interest for MC I will leap with joy

itikky March 19, 2018 1:58 pm

:3 If this webtoon ends up having no love interest for MC I will leap with joy

    Dickun March 25, 2018 4:25 am

    Same here!! A lot of fantasy manhwa and mangas have an interesting plot and have a great potential but they just have to insert harem and the story just goes from 100 to 0 real quick. I love how this story is progressing so far but in terms of romance I guess it's fine for me if ever he end up with the princess because I kind of like it because she's independent and doesn't rely every time on mc so she's not your typical annoying bitch. So if ever they end up together I'll just be chill and won't make a fuss here