LOL how old are you not knowing elektel delusion is a yaoi classic? Did you hear me say you weren't entitled to your opinion or anything else you think you're entitled to? No, I don't think so. If you weren't being "mean" before, you're being plenty mean now, arencha?
Fumi tells Shunpei that his physical reactions are very slow. Something else, too, what was it? Anyway, both of those were good, understandable explanations why Fumi felt unsuited to be the bottom. Fumi also did offer to be the uke in a very sweet scene later on.
The girlfriend thing was a comic chapter, and for chrissakes, Shunpei should have gone after Fumi rather than stay and soothe his ex-girlfriend's feelings. Shunpei also demanded, right in front of the girl, that Fumi apologize to this girl who, past and present, had done only one thing: screw with Shunpei's emotions! What a cunt. That stuff was definitely reason for Fumi to be terribly hurt. Hell, I was hurt by it. When he sunk down in the hallway in tears. That was heartbreaking, and a wound like that doesn't heal easily, yet Fumi let it go. Fumi is handsome and also an unusual and interesting character. He's gentle, cute, and a problem when he's pissed. LOL. In other words, he's entirely lovable.
You said you'd read Elektel Delusion a lot of times. Maybe you hit a wall with it. Maybe if you wait a while, you'll love it again. When I say Fumi drives the plot forward I mean that there wouldn't be an Elektel Delusion without his actions and behaviors, both good and bad

i dislike that fumi is very much a do things i want, when i want kind of character. He touched him first, got upset at him turning him down, gets upset when his ex is coming around and screams at her, he keeps going near the guy who wants in his pants knowing he has those motives, he constantly keeps doubting shunpei's feelings and never believes him, and he always seems to get all butthurt when he can't have sex how he wants. Shunpei told his best friend about them, and his sister, as well as the guy gunning for his man that fumi was his and to back off. Where was fumi's effort? who did he tell? or go about the proper way of getting someone to back off? He also felt something off another guys touch and not his own lovers. That annoys me. If someone besides the person whom i loved touched me like that, i would be revolted and disgusted. not moan and blush. ( ̄へ ̄)It's almost like for fumi, them having sex is more reassuring and believable than anything he says out loud.
At least shunpei hid his ex because she meant nothing and didn't want to upset fumi. Fumi hung out with a guy who wanted his ass, and not even for a second thinks, how that will make his lover feel. And like the guy said, leaving the phone on while shunpei constantly called him, but ignored him anyways, while being comforted by the fact that he kept calling. that's not cool

You're completely and utterly right about Fumi. He's officially described as "pessimistic" but even if that was the intention of the mangaka, that is not what he is. He's VERY selfish and self-absorbed. Maybe his selfishness is because he's immature (as you say), but I feel like he'll never grow out of that as long as he and Shunpei are together. And worst of all, he constantly uses emotional manipulation to get his way. Sometimes it's a natural result of his selfish personality, but sometimes it really seems deliberate, which makes him so unlikeable for me. Their relationship is unbalanced and unhealthy, and that all comes from Fumi.

yeah, i could see him outgrowing it. But NOT with shunpei. because he lets him have his way every time.
i'm actually really surprised a lot of people agree and see things the same as i do.
It sucks too, because like, Shunpei is so kind and loving, and so accepting, and devoted. he just loves who he is with and has no eyes elsewhere. and he doesn't like to do things that make his partner insecure. and he actually takes time to consider what he thinks.

I couldn't agree any more with you
That's why I seriously hate this manga
And never had the courage to reread it ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Look, I kind of get what you mean about Elektal being a classic, if by "classic" you mean "a manga you're pretty much guaranteed to read when you're getting into yaoi, whether it's actually good or not" - although I'd still say Hidoku Shinaide would trump this one in that sense, in terms of this mangaka's work. I guess I was lucky - I came to yaoi via Illumination, Hydra, Cut and Close the Last Door, which are far better mangas than this one, with deeper, more nuanced characters and plot (not just because they're mostly angsty, although looking at that list it could seem that way!).
I do appreciate that this manga highlights the "prep" aspect of sex as someone pointed out, instead of magical self-lubricating uke butts. And even if seke is my favourite, I actually like manga with "unexpected" uke/seme roles (it irks me that there are expected roles at all, since that's unrealistic and bordering on homophobic thereIsaidit). So I don't care at all about that. BUT I think Fumi is selfish, manipulative and sulky about sex with Shunpei. (By the way, the "reason" you couldn't remember? No wonder you forgot, it was "I don't feel anything from my nipples." What utter bullshit, your nipples are NOT connected to your prostate Fumi you dickhead.) And he's selfish and sulky in their relationship in general. Which is unattractive. I dislike Fumi as a character, although as you say the plot is basically driven by him and his (selfish, manipulative) personality.
Michiru Heya is one of the best manga by this mangaka, btw, although it's not popular like Elektal or Hidoku. In my opinion the relationship between the main characters is way healthier and more balanced, incidentally, even though the manga is so much more angsty.

you said pretty much everything i was thinking. and we seem to have the same tastes. :)
i started with JR the anime and spent years not knowing it had a manga. sensitive pornograph my second anime. from there, don't remember how, i read yaoi. my first were same as you, Hydra, not love, rules series, cute, and close the last door too. minami haruka too. i fell in love with all the red light district yaoi after that and under grand hotel. (For red light district,mede shireru yoru no junjou is still my absolute fave. )
And michiru heya has pretty damn good development and characters. i still love when all the kids were calling him gay, and their friend just up and kisses his cheek and tells them to fuck off. and when my poor baby got hurt. they were checking out his cheeks and cracking his nuckles! (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ i need more yaoi with friends like those.

i say fumi is the type that needed to be spoiled and with the way he acts, it's like he is the receiver of the relationship, only he is a top at sex. i think all this argument started because people expected fumi to act like a "seme" or the "guy" of the relationship. and i think he isn't like that. not that he's a badly designed character, it's just that he is someone that needs more love and cuddles and shunpei perfectly compliments that. i'd say even if shunpei is the bottom, he is the one that "wears the pants" in their relationship so to say. personally, i am okay with fumi. i am someone that likes to spoil someone they like and i find his actions pretty cute. everyone be hating on that girlfriend scene but im aww-ing at the time he cried and said "chase after me too" lol.
it's undeniable that this manga is a hit or miss tho. either you love it or hate it so much. and the argument goes on forever.

Yes yes yes! We are definitely simpatico! I think Miyamoto Kano was my first yaoi goddess, Hydra was the start but I love all of her work. After that Koneda You became another of my favourite mangaka ever (I have a soft spot for yakuza yaoi, mainly thanks to Saezuru Tori Wa Habatakenai). And I love Under Grand Hotel! A big shout out to Dog Style, too, while we're talking about awesome yaoi with awesome friends!!
Ogawa Chise is amazing too, with some lovely characters (leaving aside the glorious fucked-upness that is Caste Heaven) - I particularly like Owaranai Fukou Ni Tsuite No Hanashi.
For mellow, sweet yaoi I was always a fan of Fujitani Youko, especially Rutta to Kodama. And more recently I've LOVED Blue Sky Complex (and Ichikawa Kei in general).

i read rules at the beginning and kind of read some of her other works and it occurred to me they were a jumbled up series.
saezuru is awesome, yashiro and doumeki need to hook up again, because that was some steamy ass shit!!
dog style was fun. i liked yakuz theme ones too. body guard type stories too. ogawa chise, you named my precious baby Utou! he is my inner spirit. i love them.
sweet couples, rutta to kodama will always be in my top ten.
i fell in love with border, Sakuraga Mei god i love hers. Itsuki Kaname i fell in love with from her first work on, her doing my favorite red light district.
Then i found the most beautiful piece of yaoi to ever grace us, haru wo daite ita. Katou and iwaki are my life goals.

I don't know about nips being connected to the prostate, LOL, but I do know that when the nipples are stimulated, the uterus contracts in women. I think you're right, though, the yaoi nipple turn-on is total bullshit. My estimate is about 99% of men feel next to nothing from nipple stimulation.
Fumi states it outright twice that he knows that what he's doing is manipulative. Maybe it is, but it's also smart. He's causing the person he wants to fall for him. Put another way, you could say that Fumi is an excellent strategist.
It seems like reading this with such critical eyes on poor Fumi will diminish the pleasure of reading Elektel, and I think the story is worth getting some pleasure out of.
I will have to look at Michiru Heya now that you've recommended it.
(bring on the down votes. i know it's coming)
But can i just say, after it was complete and i got to re-reading it so many times, it looses it's charm. I feel like Fumi is a bit manipulative, even if he isn't trying to be. It started out fine. but after they started hitting foreplay, i HATE that he was so against being a bottom, yet was offended when his partner said the same thing. and your reaction was to get pissed at him, not be like "i understand if you need more time". that got resolved okay. But then their was also that moment of the first time they had sex and he seemed to know jack squat about the preparations. Like, you want to have gay sex, go learn all the facts for both of you. Even during sex, he was panicked and asking if he was hurt. and was clearly scared. all he tells him is, "you're fine. don't talk about another guy to me". like, you could of done so many things to make him calm down. The whole ex-girlfriend thing too. Shunpei ran into mayu, unplanned, once, and saw a few texts. she called his buddies and showed up at the school. Why is fumi so pissed about that one?? Shunpei literally did nothing to feel guilty about. Then you ignore his phone calls all day and hang out with a guy gunning for you. that's not okay. The constant "i want to do it now. not wait for you to get prepped" thing too. and the "Go pretty yourself up, but we're doing it raw"? the fuck, you know how fucked up that will make him feel? and the sex prior to that, he went at his own pace, since shunpei finally felt good, but clearly, was going even after knowing it was painful. how can one do that? To the point he is hurting the next day? and you still nag about him saying no to fingers then too. i felt like shunpei could of done better.