do u believe things like ghost?

naau March 18, 2018 8:07 am

I didn't aware of it before, but my sister who sleep over at my house told me that she heard voices at night. It sound like a sleeping person and sometimes like a hard breathing, But I don't know where it came from so I just tell her it was our fathers. but then when she was alone at daytime she heard it too.
Now, after my sister told me about that, I am aware of it. At night I and my mother (she didn't believe at first) aways hear voices so I tell my dad. A few day after that my dad say " it's alright now, I've drive it out". I ask about what is IT, but my dad just smile and go, and I didn't hear the same voices after that. But after days (until now) I hear banging sound at my ceiling (only heard above my room). I thought it was rat, but its too noisy and strange for rat to make that sound. I go to check it and there is no trace of animals.
I'm scared but I still don't believe it.

    Nicos_Hubby March 18, 2018 8:12 am

    (⊙…⊙ )

    MιтѕυкιCнιуσ March 18, 2018 8:21 am

    Is someone doing it upstairs?Better not check it

    Jess March 18, 2018 8:37 am

    Okay, this scared the shit outta me

    Animehunter March 18, 2018 9:05 am

    If i was you im ganna pack my stufff my parent and money and leave some cross to the house and leave and nevee go back

    LUKE March 18, 2018 9:15 am

    Ohhhhh hellllll nawwww

    naau March 18, 2018 9:17 am
    Okay, this scared the shit outta me Jess

    It's so scary, I often wake inthe middle of night and cant go back to sleep. I haven't mention it but if I say thing like "ssshhhh... don't be loud!!" It will be quiet sometimes.

    naau March 18, 2018 9:19 am
    Is someone doing it upstairs?Better not check it MιтѕυкιCнιуσ

    lol.... u know what? I thought the same... I already check it thou

    SquishySushi March 18, 2018 9:38 am

    I remember when I first moved to my house with my family, in my room, there’d always be a loud thumbing sound above me, like a loud person fucking stomping on the dame roof...and it’d sound like someone was walking on the roof too...told my mom but she sad it was a cat....and inside I knew it was not dame cat....but for ur situation, DO NOT talk to it, or shout at it, shouting will kinda make it worse.... cuz it’ll stop but come back 10 times worse.....
    But if it does bother u, u can threaten it, but if u do have the courage to threaten it, u gotta go all crazy mad at it so it can be scared of me, and don’t ask why I know this.....but since I know how most people are...don’t speak to it....or shout at’ll make it worse...

    LaughingAardvark March 18, 2018 9:41 am

    Do you have a cat? If not, get one. It will chase any spirits out of the house. They don't run around like crazy things for no reason.

    SquishySushi March 18, 2018 10:05 am
    Do you have a cat? If not, get one. It will chase any spirits out of the house. They don't run around like crazy things for no reason. LaughingAardvark

    Yeahhhh I guess that works...but...we just use like lemon grass and whip it in various areas(all over the darn house), and if we hear a loud pig squeal that means that we had cut the spirit....and we basically hunt down the pig squealing spirit...until it stops squealing...just how my culture works...but there are many many ways to kill my culture....but u can also use peach branches with the leaves on it and just whip all over ur house.....

    naau March 18, 2018 12:02 pm
    Do you have a cat? If not, get one. It will chase any spirits out of the house. They don't run around like crazy things for no reason. LaughingAardvark

    I do have cat, but it didn't go to the roof

    naau March 18, 2018 12:03 pm
    I remember when I first moved to my house with my family, in my room, there’d always be a loud thumbing sound above me, like a loud person fucking stomping on the dame roof...and it’d sound like someone was... SquishySushi

    OMG!! really? will it get worse?

    naau March 18, 2018 12:09 pm
    If i was you im ganna pack my stufff my parent and money and leave some cross to the house and leave and nevee go back Animehunter

    now that u mention it. I a lazy person, too lazy even to pray for my god ╥﹏╥
    but to pray (in my religion) I have to be in clear both body and mind....and I always have dirty mind...hmmmmm( ̄へ ̄)

    Anonymous March 18, 2018 12:16 pm

    Ask your father to help. Maybe their business is with your father,delaying his own promises.

    SquishySushi March 18, 2018 11:47 pm
    OMG!! really? will it get worse? naau

    Depends how u talk or threaten it....

    GUMBOTHEFROG March 19, 2018 12:30 am

    Listen, I don't pick fights with things I can't see. So a ghost is a no go for me