Woah! This is how I think the ending go.. seme heard about uke's complex, his nemo, so he ...

Lazy Potato March 18, 2018 5:38 am

Woah! This is how I think the ending go.. seme heard about uke's complex, his nemo, so he shaved himself saying he has a complex too to make uke trust him. About the bully, I think seme and the bully know each other, maybe they were friends? MAYBE he told the guy to bully him and tell that he will spread rumors to gain sympathy from uke. I LOVE A LITTLE DARKNESS ヾ(☆▽☆)
Well, seme knew that uke's friends are fine with his complex and still likes him. He also knew that uke is popular to the girls. He could've told him all that but if he did the uke wont have anything to do with him. Thats why he did that.

My conspiracy theory (≧∀≦)

    Sea_lard April 2, 2018 5:37 am

    I am.....speechless.... woah just woah

    Asher1529 April 12, 2018 6:18 pm

    this theory actually seems pretty logical, now that i think about it

    Patches April 15, 2018 12:11 pm

    Yes! I think it was this too. It shows the delinquent/bully carrying a book. I can't read Japanese but perhaps it's a game strategy book like what he calls Yama out for reading? Thus could indicate they are indeed friends. I mean Sachimo included him along with the obvious - friends knowing he has a small penis, girls being interested in him - so clearly there was something fishy going on there too.