Wow, I feel so dumb, I just looked up ALIEN on the dictionary, and I always thought it was...

Lady P0ny March 17, 2018 7:32 am

Wow, I feel so dumb, I just looked up ALIEN on the dictionary, and I always thought it was only used for out of Earth beings, but I was soooooo wrong!

belonging to a foreign country or nation.
a foreigner, especially one who is not a naturalized citizen of the country where they are living.
"an illegal alien"

And I always thought it was so rude when I read mangas that called foreigners "aliens". Wow, we never stop learning, am I right?

    Rain March 17, 2018 6:15 pm

    I learned that word once upon a time because of this song:

    nilsuki March 17, 2018 7:45 pm

    Well, in my language the direct translation of the word alien is "from space" and following that logic, whe live in space as well, so we are technically from space, therefore an alien

    Grey March 17, 2018 10:52 pm

    I learned this in elementary school

    MB0105 March 18, 2018 12:03 am
    Well, in my language the direct translation of the word alien is "from space" and following that logic, whe live in space as well, so we are technically from space, therefore an alien nilsuki

    And the English word 'alian' is derived from old French meaning strange or foreign, wich on his turn was derived from latin or so the dictionary says, anyway

    MB0105 March 18, 2018 12:06 am
    And the English word 'alian' is derived from old French meaning strange or foreign, wich on his turn was derived from latin or so the dictionary says, anyway MB0105

    This discussion made me curious... although I knew it originally stranger. The comment made me curious to the origins of the word, so I just looked it up ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ so sorry, if I came across as a know-it-all or something

    nilsuki March 18, 2018 3:04 am
    And the English word 'alian' is derived from old French meaning strange or foreign, wich on his turn was derived from latin or so the dictionary says, anyway MB0105

    Oh, no, I was just sharing a fun fact, not a serious thing

    Lady P0ny March 18, 2018 5:44 am

    I wonder why 6 person took their time to thumb down a comment that isn't negative or offensive.

    Lady P0ny March 18, 2018 5:48 am
    I wonder why 6 person took their time to thumb down a comment that isn't negative or offensive. Lady P0ny

    6 PEOPLE - I was gonna say "a person", changed the A with 6 and sounded even dumber.

    btw, thank you all for your replies, even the italian friend that humiliated me even more reminding me how bad is education in Brazil ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭.

    Tovah March 18, 2018 9:29 am

    Well the word "alienated" does not mean being sent out to space so

    Lady P0ny March 18, 2018 10:00 am
    Well the word "alienated" does not mean being sent out to space so Tovah

    I also thought about the word alienated, but in brazilian portugues we only use alienated (alienado) which comes from "alheio", so i never associated both words with alien (I just looked up and alheio is translated as alien, also never knew this). But here, take a look, even tho "alheio = alien", in none of the examples, the word alien appears:

    Lady P0ny March 18, 2018 10:08 am
    Well the word "alienated" does not mean being sent out to space so Tovah

    so, basically, here in Brazil, we only use the word "alien" for ETs, and "alheio" doesn't mean foreigner, we don't use it to describe someone from another country as "alheio" (maybe portuguese people does, I don't know, our languages are very different)... So, yeah, I blame this LOL

    Tovah March 18, 2018 11:25 am
    so, basically, here in Brazil, we only use the word "alien" for ETs, and "alheio" doesn't mean foreigner, we don't use it to describe someone from another country as "alheio" (maybe portuguese people does, I do... Lady P0ny

    In Swedish the word "alien" is borrowed and has the same meaning as the Swedish word "utomjording" which literally translates to "out-of-earthling", so we have had the association, but the word "alienated" has also always been associated with the English word "alien", so the multiple meanings of the word is probably easier to grasp. Alien is probably a Latin word while Swedish is a north-Germanic language except for some fashion words borrowed from French during the 17th century. English is generally a Germanic language as well but has way more borrowed words. Sometimes we have the same word but it has a completely different meaning though, that's when there's usually confusion.

    Lady P0ny March 19, 2018 6:46 am
    In Swedish the word "alien" is borrowed and has the same meaning as the Swedish word "utomjording" which literally translates to "out-of-earthling", so we have had the association, but the word "alienated" has ... Tovah

    this is so cool and interesting, I love languages and I never spoke to someone from Sweden (even tho' I am a Zlatan Ibrahimovic fan lol). I know nothing about Scandinavian languages, I remember when i watched Bron/Broen and tried to see for myself how different both languages used in the show were, and i was pretty much at a loss! (I also watched Jordskott and loved it). Anyway, I'm adding you as a friend, hope you accept me =D