That’s beautiful! I was on the hate Chinese guy train but I never really stopped to think that he and Siwon are connected in that way! Surely what you said doesn’t justify their actions but it surely does provide depth to their backgrounds and how they were formed into what they are now! AHHHH I WANNA BE PISSED BUT I CANT NOW! Psychology leads to strong thinking! This story needs the psychological tag!

Well darn, RIP my “f u Chineseguy” campaign LOL
I like this society idea, that Siwon and Chineseguy are both victims. I can totally see that, because both boys lived fairly stereotypical normal lives, one of an ordinary student and the other of power and wealth. Whereas Jinha lived in a broken home where he learned to survive, no matter how bad shit was, as long as he was his own person he could be happy and Siwon really pulled him out as children. I think that’s how he grew feelings for Siwon and because he was isolated from society (physically and mentally) he didn’t think about how others would view a same sex couple. But Siwon in the other hand grew up in your average academically focused student life with his cultural views ingrained by society so he’s afraid of being with Jinha. And Chineseguy was objectified in the upper class and we did see in the chapter that he said “none of them genuine” which is his realization that he was a figure/pawn/toy in societies corruption. But since it’s the only thing he knows he’s going to keep acting evil until someone shows him the other way.
I feel like my psychology teacher. BRAINS ٩(˃௰˂)و
Jinha understand that Siwon is your ordinary korean bound by societal expectations, he’s not a confident-free-spirited-idgaf-about-other-people’s-opinions guy like you Jinha, he needs to learn to become his own self and know that it’s ok to be gay if you make him happy and support him before jumping into a relationship! Jinha you already know how to appreciate your life because you’ve been ruling yourself from the start! Now you just have to make the other two see they can be happy too because they’ll never meet A Guy Like You!
Siwon, break free from society and stop conforming to it and become your own self! You define you Siwon, not other people and if Jinha makes you happy then TELL him! Tell the world! Jinha will protect you as you protected him when you were children and trust that he always will, even when it seems like he’s hiding, he does everything for you! Siwon you are Jinha’s world! And once you see that know it’s ok and make him your world! Be happy!!!
Xuan, you and Siwon are more alike than you think! You both are victims of society except you were ruined by the aristocratic class! You had everything and everyone saw you as an object to worship which ruined your appreciation for the simplistic things in life and you took advantage of the idiots who deemed you holy and desirable for their own self interest! You were surrounded by people who used you for their own self interest and image and in turn you used people too! Now you have Siwon who is reintroducing you to feelings, emotion, kindness, and you are afraid so your doing the only thing you’ve been taught from growing up with you background, being a douche! Learn to appreciate life and love, know that life is not about power or wealth like you’ve been taught all your life but being happy!
I’ve handled other long and complex psychological stories such as Save Me, Killing Stalking, and At the End of the Road and this one is giving me so much angst but that’s what makes it just as good as others because it makes me think and feel what the characters are going through and see different perspectives and how society can manipulate, morph, and contort someone’s life!