The story in chapter 4 is a bit odd. Is it both the older brother and the brother's friend...

Anonymous March 15, 2018 10:36 am

The story in chapter 4 is a bit odd. Is it both the older brother and the brother's friend that have memory loss?

    Fujoshi Lover April 15, 2018 11:52 am

    Ill try to explain to you hope u can understand. The story begins when Rin (older brother) found out that his younger brother (Ritsu the MC) was in love with him so he starts to skip school and avoid his younger brother at all costs this leads us to the scene at the beggining of the story where Shouta grabs Rin by the arm and ask him why he is acting like that - Rin says that he cant stay at his house anymore (since its too akward for him that his younger brother lusts for him) then he suffers the accident and lost his memories - Shouta saw the accident and got overwhelmed by guilt wich also caused him to lose part of his memories(so yeah they both lost their memories tho Rin forgot about everything except Shouta while Shouta remembers everything except for Rin and anything related to him). As the story continues Ritsu(younger brother) gets close to Shouta because he knows shouta is the only one his brother remembers and Shouta gets close to Ritsu because he is attracted to him (at this point Shouta still doesnt remember anything about Rin nor about his younger brother Ritsu). Later Shouta remembers everything and Ritsu fall in love for him than they both decide to got meet Rin. To sum things up Rin love his friend Shouta who loves Rin's younger brother Rtisu who at the beggining of the story loved his own brother Rin, at the end Ritsu starts to love Shouta and they get together while Rin ends up alone without memory and all fucked up. Poor Rin his unrequited love for his best friend + his younger brother lust for him led him to that accident and they both got a happy ending while he got nothing but yeah thats life for you not fair at all. Its confusing because Rin and Ritsu look too much alike even their names its similar. Now lets us pray for Rin and for us so life doesnt give any of us a brother nor a best friend like that LMAO . Just kidding I know we cant blame Ritsu nor Shouta for the accident but yeah I just can't help to feel like the were somewhat the "circunstances" that led to the accident and now they are happy ever after shacking up in the library while Rin is on a hopistal bed.

    Rabbit Lover! May 4, 2018 11:26 pm
    Ill try to explain to you hope u can understand. The story begins when Rin (older brother) found out that his younger brother (Ritsu the MC) was in love with him so he starts to skip school and avoid his younge... Fujoshi Lover

    Thanks for actually clearing it up! I think I've read this story like five times already, but I just couldn't understand a flying fuck about it! I hate it when stories are vague like that, but the art is quite nice... i just can't stop reading ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    hime November 9, 2020 9:01 pm
    Ill try to explain to you hope u can understand. The story begins when Rin (older brother) found out that his younger brother (Ritsu the MC) was in love with him so he starts to skip school and avoid his younge... Fujoshi Lover

    omg thank you for explaining it your a lifesaver