Yeah man, fiction is fiction which is why depicting rape and abuse is fine. However, if there’s a romantic, happy ending between the two it’s just hand waving and romanticizing the abuse. It would be poorly written. It would have many of the same problems 50 Shades of Grey does - that’s why people hate that book, cause it portrays abuse as sexy and cute.
You’re allowed to like it if the story ends that way, but I’m allowed to be critical of it then, because that’s literally just bad writing, lol. People criticize things for bad writing all the time.

Yeah, I mean I'd have a problem (a dispassionate one, but a problem) if it ended that way too-- and of course people can criticize!!! I love criticizing things. But I guess I'm referring mostly to the people who keep coming back to the story specifically to check if Yule has become a good person yet. If that makes sense. I see it a lot in the Killing Stalking fandom where people honestly think that Bum & Sangwoo are going to become a genuinely lovey dovey couple by the end of it. Like, it's just not (& never gonna be) the genre you want it to be, buddy.
Also unimportant but I personally think that one thing this manhwa does better than 50-shades is that people don't really wish they had their own Yule. Some of them, maybe, sure, but the reception that 50 shades got was *huge*. (also I know you're not really comparing them, I just like bashing 50 shades& tbh I rarely get the chance)
I know they're difficult to compare since they're 2 different mediums aimed at 2 different demographics but people seriously believed that they wanted their own Christian Grey.
Yule may be attractive but it's really fluffing hard to ignore the fact that he deliberately asked his friends to gangrape his (at the time) lover, among all the *other* horrific things that he did to Kyung-soo. 50 shades of grey really went the extra mile to make the reader want to be with Christian Grey by glossing over the abuse with sex and all of the nice things that Anastasia was being showered with in exchange. Wow I know a lot more about that book than I want to know?? Anyways, there isn't really that kind of glorification of Yule's character going on here that I can see. Aside from his attractive face and once-in-a-blue-moon affectionate outburst, he's trash & stays trash throughout the story. Christian Grey is trash, but he is a trashcan wearing a tuxedo and a pretty bow tie who delivers helicopters to his trash babies.
Sometimes I think people forget that this is fictional. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ obviously this stuff would never be okay in reality. IRL Yule is an irredeemable piece of shit who needs to get stuck in a blender. In the story...
He is pretty much the same tbh but he didn't *actually* hurt anybody, because he is... a 2d drawing. He hurts other 2d drawings.
That sounds harsh to say, but I'm hoping it will chill some people out a little? In my opinion at least, it's okay to want a happy ending for these two. I personally want to see something tragic because I like it when they suffer, but if you don't want that, you are not a bad person! Fiction rarely mirrors reality.
Also to people who are disappointed that they keep coming back and Yule is still an asshole....
I honestly don't think you're enjoying this story. And that's fine too!! But don't torture yourself with it if you dislike It! There are plenty of good stories out there, and it's okay to not like this genre. Everyone has different tastes.
My best advice is to just find your inner Buddha and go on as if you spent the past hour hotboxing in the taco bell parking lot. (▰˘◡˘▰)