It’s worth waiting for the correct translation- the story flows much better! Thank you! I like the drawn out confession and reading a bit about day to day life of editors. Giving truly your heart to someone is a big thing you know! It’s easy to have sexual relations when there’s chemistry but to open your heart and let someone in again after going through trauma- even if it was a misunderstanding- it should be scary. I also want to know about Ritsu’s family dynamics especially the dad’s pov on Ritsu. I love this manga!
It’s worth waiting for the correct translation- the story flows much better! Thank you! I like the drawn out confession and reading a bit about day to day life of editors. Giving truly your heart to someone is a big thing you know! It’s easy to have sexual relations when there’s chemistry but to open your heart and let someone in again after going through trauma- even if it was a misunderstanding- it should be scary. I also want to know about Ritsu’s family dynamics especially the dad’s pov on Ritsu. I love this manga!