One step closer

Ceci March 11, 2018 3:34 am

If I were to commit suicide, tell me why I shouldn’t ?

    asocialtae March 11, 2018 3:37 am

    Because you have a whole future in front of you. It would be waste to give up now.

    Pinkbellis5 March 11, 2018 3:39 am

    Don't get to read anymore Yaoi or watch Yuri on ice season 2.

    chizaman March 11, 2018 3:41 am

    Because you only live once.

    imafujoshifaghag March 11, 2018 3:43 am

    think about your future, mom, and all of people that need u first. please reach for help if u think that u can’t handle it anymore! there are tons of people wish to be alive out there :)

    Anonymous March 11, 2018 3:46 am

    I had several suicidal ideation, sometimes I wanted to make it happen but also find it isn't worth it. I feel like all my shitty lucks and hardships in my life will end for...nothing. I'm pretty sure that I'm having these thoughts because I was under the pressure. Pressure kills me. I tried embracing it, but it's draining.

    So, why shouldn't you kill yourself? Honestly, I really don't have an answer but maybe try to think about it twice.

    Asphodel March 11, 2018 3:50 am

    Because no matter how much it seems difficult now, your life is precious and things will get better !

    Let go of the things hurting you and find something that makes you happy. If you think about it, life doesn't really have a precise purpose. Which mean your free to shape it as you wish and do whatever makes you happy.

    Be strong when you have to, be fragile when you can afford to be and please keep fighting ! There will always be someone who cares ! <3

    Anonymous March 11, 2018 3:53 am

    You won’t be able to pet any animals anymore!

    Ceci March 11, 2018 3:56 am

    I have told this to people around me and the only thing I get is “you are weak” or laughs

    Jase March 11, 2018 4:23 am

    Suicide is an extremely action to take.
    So, answer my question:
    If you're ready to do something extreme, Then why not do something extreme w/ your life?
    Live to the fullest!
    Color your hair blue!
    Travel to Japan!
    Learn how to paint!
    Volunteer on an animal center!
    Do what you've been wanting to do!

    Moran E. March 11, 2018 4:25 am

    Because you've already passed through every thing you thought you couldn't. You aren't weak, it's the opposite actually, and no matter how difficult things seem now it isn't worthy to throw your journey away, you got it?

    minhoe March 11, 2018 4:35 am

    Think about those who love you before you even think about taking your own life. It would HURT others around you- it would cause others to go through agony. I had someone that I loved take his own life a while ago and it fucked me up bad. Please talk to someone if you're feeling this way. You might not realise this now but your life is precious, you may be feeling this way now but trust me it gets better.

    agtmr_gu March 11, 2018 5:24 am

    Ask youself this:
    Which do I value more? People who are stuck in the hospital trying their best to continue living? Or me, who had and got anything I wanted, but I want to die because life is so hopless?

    If you picked the first one, the don’t commit suicide because there are people who are suffering from major illnesses, and here’s just you, being selfish. This is the you who had everything you could ever have, but still get more since you’re still living.

    If you chose the second one, then you are selfish. You don’t care about what other people, specifically your family and friends, would think about when you die.

    If you choose to live, then let me tell you this,

    If you really care about other people, then why would you think about killing yourself if you still have a chance to save those people who are dying?

    Frarkness March 11, 2018 5:26 am

    Because you would give the satisfaction to all of those people who want to see you miserable

    HAYUKI March 11, 2018 6:24 am

    It'll be a huge waste even if your life didn't seem much. It's like creating a masterpiece, but then destroying it. Nowadays they say "Never give up!" // Never give up on that masterpiece no matter how good it already looks, you can always make it better (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Provocative-Pizza March 11, 2018 11:35 am
    Ask youself this:Which do I value more? People who are stuck in the hospital trying their best to continue living? Or me, who had and got anything I wanted, but I want to die because life is so hopless?If you p... agtmr_gu

    I don't agree with your way of thinking and your approach to this situation. You've failed to consider the individual's emotional suffering. People just don't think about taking their own lives without a reason. Usually there is an external factor that causes it. Humans suffer in different ways, mainly physical and emotional. We don't know what causes Ceci to feel that way but it could either be a biological factor (genetics) or a terrible environment.

    Let me ask you this: If a perfectly healthy person was abused emotionally and physically everyday, would you just tell them that they're selfish for wanting to die?

    I'm not suggesting that the person should die but that we should try to solve what is causing those suicidal ideations in the first place. If death is honestly the only way to end someone's emotional suffering (it usually isn't), then that moral decision is up to you. I personally think it would be cruel and selfish to want someone to keep living just for them to suffer.

    People pick suicide when they feel like they have no other way of getting out of their horrible situations. We should do whatever we can to help get that person mentally stable and happy again.

    And even if she just wanted to kill herself "without a reason", that won't help anyone who has a terminal illness and is fighting to live.

    My point in all of this is for you to try stepping into someone else's shoes and to not just resort to blaming them for being selfish. The last thing a suicidal person needs is more guilt.

    Provocative-Pizza March 11, 2018 11:45 am

    I don't think you should commit suicide because your life COULD change for the better. I don't know what has happened in your life to make you feel like your only way out is through suicide but if you ever want to talk about it, my message box is open (I really hope it is).

    If you continue on, things might improve. If you end your life, your future will be gone. Maybe take a break for a bit or just do whatever it takes to keep fighting to fully live again one day. I believe in you.

    P.S. I just found out that your favourite anime is Gintama! If you go, I won't have a potential friend to talk to Gintama about :(

    agtmr_gu March 11, 2018 12:10 pm
    I don't agree with your way of thinking and your approach to this situation. You've failed to consider the individual's emotional suffering. People just don't think about taking their own lives without a reason... Provocative-Pizza

    Soery, I wasn’t the one who wrote that. I mean it’s my acc, but I wasn’t the one who replied, but I read my friends own comment and had the same answer like what you said. I already explained your comment to her and she understood what you were stating on your comment. Thank you for your honest opinion. ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~