
I like your theory too! Like I said: yaoi forever! Ane-san is cool and all and I really don't hate her, she is a Queen in her position... But there no frickin frackin way I dislike Rogi! He is the Queen and slays and bites the entire world of uke! I guess only thing I have to double check is whether Tora really has feelings for him or not... :( I really hope your theory is true! :D ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ Tho I am currently believeing in another theory to not get disappointed later on :( but I am cheering yours one as well... Cuz yaoi is the ultimate goal of a fujoshi ~_~
1. Asami loves Akitora. She was a prostitute and he was a costumer. He clearly chose her for his wife because of her personality. Sex doesnt mean love, she is confident of her place and therefore isn't jealous in that regard. However she clearly says she is jealous that Tora got stabbed and got so physically fucked up and immediately made those injuries worse by fucking the shit outta Rogi. Asami may not know all the details but it's enough to read between the lines. She knows her husband well enough that this alone tells her how deeply Tora feels for Rogi. I bet money she goes along with whatever Tora decides to do with Rogi.
2. Tora loves Rogi passionately. He didn't coldly kill Handa , he snapped when Handa said "That is MINE!!!" and beat the fuck out of him. You don't beat a man until the bones show on every finger of your hand ( on top of being stabbed ) unless you're in a rage and adrenaline rush. That Tora lost control screams love, jealousy,and possessiveness. This is brought home when Asoda shows up and calls to him, he comes out of his covered in blood and Handa dead.Which is bad because handa is connected to his group. Killing flunkies is bad so he has Asoda clean up. I bet money after fucking Rogi for a month or 3 that he sends him away both to protect him , cause he loves him fiercely, and to protect his group/family , rather than one day being forced to kill him because Rogi own nature would cause conflict , this is also why he won't let him be Yakuza. Rogi is like a wild that might eat from the hand one day , bite or tear off that same hand the next day. Tora is exactly the same. Like two wild tigers that are mated, but Tora has to leash his beast and function within those confinements and he is able to do this and still be himself but he understands that his beast loves Rogi and the leash on his beast, his restraint is slipping and will continue to do so to the point that he might devour and lose everything , I think he knows this and sends Rogi away before their Love can devour them both.
3. Rogi in the present states that he has only been in the Yakuza for 3 years.If you were paying attention in Tatsuyuki's story (Tora's son ) you learn that Tatsuyuki has been in a relationship with his lover for 3 years and that he exchanged cups with Rogi so he could one day see akitora again. We also know that Nozomi and Tatsuyuki became Reika's god parent. Essientally like a family of sorts, and now that he's the 4th and Asami is dead I think that akitora and Rogi will meet again cause Tora isn't confined in the way he once was and he taught Rogi loneliness .....Rogi matured in some ways. Tho cornering Tatsuyuki and basically using forced consent to fuck him was wrong but not exactly rape either. Tatsuyuki had other options but wasn't willing to hurt someone else but instead willingly hurt himself to shield them. I think victimiziing him lessens the spirit in which he did it . Yes it hurt him, both physically and mental, but he didn't see himself as a victim but as someone who could endure and survive it. He only tries to force himself to shoot Rogi because Nozomi was hurt by seeing him that way and knowing what he endured, he sags in relief when Nozomi tells him it's 'enough'. Considering how "rape" is usually portrayed , I like how the author went about this and the context in which she did it. It really plays to the strengths and weaknesses of the characters involved as displays their personalities and characteristics. I don't usually comment on manga I've read unless the characters really move me. I really love this author, instead of focusing on sex, she really develops the characters , relationships, and plot. It reads like novel with good tension and plot pacing, a page turner. I cannot wait for the updates to see if my theories bear fruit.