Stupid question for people who know Korean

Snowy March 9, 2018 9:07 am

Okay, assuming that Korean isn't your first language I want to ask that once you learnt Korean and tried to read books or webtoons/manhwa did it feel weird? I dunno why it's happening to me, I'm currently self-learning Korean. I tried reading a webtoon even though I"m not ready yet and it just felt too "different". I think it's probably because I'm not used to the language itself even though I have read so many Korean translations.
Did it happen to you? Does it get better with time? Any suggestions?

    maya me March 9, 2018 12:16 pm

    I always thought that the "feeling" would be better if I knew the language that it was written in the first place..Hmm..This is strange indeed..(for me that is).