This new chapters melt my heart, how can they be so adorable??
But I guess Juha will appear next chapter and after seeing Seheon in this state, he will suspect that he and Taeyi spent the night together.....and meddle big time -___- I still haven´t figured Juha out, he is way too interested in these two and I don´t buy that it is just for his sister´s sake. Did he knew the brother? Is that why he is so invested in Taeyi?? And when can I start shipping him with Doyoon??? xD
This new chapters melt my heart, how can they be so adorable??
But I guess Juha will appear next chapter and after seeing Seheon in this state, he will suspect that he and Taeyi spent the night together.....and meddle big time -___-
I still haven´t figured Juha out, he is way too interested in these two and I don´t buy that it is just for his sister´s sake. Did he knew the brother? Is that why he is so invested in Taeyi?? And when can I start shipping him with Doyoon??? xD