
sure, but it's important to recognize dangerous stalker behavior. listen this is a good Manwha - it's angsty and has a good pace/plot development BUT that doesn't mean I'll react positively to all the characters especially given things I've experiences irl. Eunho has been super fucking obsessed and doesn't understand as much as he loves Jaeha, he cannot force him to behave he'd want him to act.
there is a lot of hate for eunho. i’m the type to try and understand both sides before i start making assumptions which a few people are forgetting.
guys, relationships aren’t always like shoujo mangas. not everything is glitter and unicorns where everything is sweet.
this is as realistic as can be. eunho will not always chase after jaeha and be naive, which is what a lot of you want. most REAL relationships don’t work that way; eventually people get tired.
jaeha is stubborn. pretty much everything is in his hands now. we wouldn’t have gotten this far without eunho. now it’s jaeha’s turn.
personally, i can care less whether they get together or not. i won’t be mad if they do or don’t. they just need to sort their shit out so they can both move on.