Just wanting to share some thoughts

PotatoJuice March 6, 2018 12:23 am

I dropped this one after chapter 13 and normally I would not comment, but there is just some thoughts I want to get out.

To cut it short, this whole story made me really uncomfortable.

First off, I hate the way the Uke is portrayed. Not knowing and being unable to do very common things, being reliant in everything on the Seme etc....this is so bad, that he almost seems to suffer from a developmental disorder. At the same time he is drawn to be very sexual and alluring. So basically an extremely infantilized and sexualized character with no real agency.

Then the Seme......well I guess he could be worse? He is super controlling most of the time, but at least sometimes he seems to be genuinely interested in encouraging the Uke to make his own choices.

Nevertheless, the power imbalance between the two is insane! Not only the Uke is dependent in everything on the Seme, but his sick mother as well?? (I mean I assume the Seme is paying for her nursing home/treatment).

And than Chapter 12 happened, where the Uke was finally upset at the Seme for not allowing him to go outside (!) and instead of discussing this the Seme forces himself on the Uke..........who clearly was upset with him and did not want to get physical in the beginning but ended up going with the flow because it felt good?????

Urgh. Just Urgh. But then again not something new in Yaoi and not something I would normally write such a long comment about. The reason why this all bothered me even more than it normally does is the coding of these characters.

Uke -> dark skinned, full lips, very feminine despite a muscular body

Seme -> light skinned (light colored in general), hyper-masculine

Furthermore, the Seme is very rich, very educated while the Uke grew up poor and did not have much of an education.

......................................................... -_________-

Anyway, I´m not saying that the author or anyone who enjoys this story is a terrible person or anything like that. I genuinely believe that the author did not realize the very problematic implications and just used (unfortunately) common tropes and took them further than is usually the case to make her work more appealing.

Nevertheless, I think it is important to point out and discuss problematic things you encounter in media to create a higher awareness and maybe improve on such things in the future.

    Faye March 6, 2018 12:38 am

    I still read it I really want to see how this is end but yah the story is really bad for me i mean the seme literally married a woman fir the SAKE of the uke ?! Wtf why i still don’t get the marriage thing , also the uke personality is not real you cant find someone this pure and naive nowadays

    Closet_Fujoshi March 7, 2018 5:06 am

    Hm. I acknowledge that there's a doubtful innocence to the uke but they're saying it's cuz he lived in an island so... let's just go w that lol. It's ok for now, I mean despite him getting married there's no romantic feelings between them at all so I'm not too mad. Not saying this is right but it's not too bad considering it's yaoi. I'm just happy if there's no rape in the stuff I read so ima enjoy this for now to see how it plays out. As long as the seme adores the uke I'll be ok. If he starts becoming an asshole though, that's when my gloves come out.

    clouds1 March 17, 2018 11:12 am

    Indeed, the whole story is just improbable. From the original confusion over Meili's mother being the mistress, why was the dad financially supporting them? To how immature and vacant Meili acts to the extent where it seems like he might not have the capacity to consent.. At the same time, despite "living on an island" which is apparently justification for his developmental delay (wtf) he previously financially supported his mother through fishing and had friendly relationships with the mostly adult population of the island so he wasn't isolated and should know how to communicate. The trope seems to be the wealthy guy "rescuing" their partner and making them be financially dependent on them which comes off as quite dated and not realistic .

    Anonymous April 15, 2018 6:11 am
    Indeed, the whole story is just improbable. From the original confusion over Meili's mother being the mistress, why was the dad financially supporting them? To how immature and vacant Meili acts to the extent ... clouds1

    As for why Ge’s father was supporting Meili and his mother, it’s supposed to be because Meili’s father was his close friend and apprentice so it was probably obligation. Or started that way and he ended up falling into a bit of a one-sided love with Meili’s mother or something.