Finally there's a plot

khaleesi March 5, 2018 8:35 pm

I want to forget the idol thing story, it was so boring and useless.
Now it't the real kuroshitsuji

    yep March 5, 2018 9:00 pm

    agreed, that arc must've been my least favourite of them all.

    Alice March 5, 2018 9:51 pm

    im looking at that arc as if it's, "here is the last more light hearted thing you're gonna be seeing for a while" cause now we're really getting into the crunch basis of the story

    xin March 17, 2018 10:13 pm
    im looking at that arc as if it's, "here is the last more light hearted thing you're gonna be seeing for a while" cause now we're really getting into the crunch basis of the story Alice

    i kinda liked it cause of how it's like a calm before the storm. tho it also is a crucial part of the plot if i must say. blood tranfusion and all. the liquid that undertaker made real ciel drink was probably blood collected from the theatre. and it makes more sense to me since elizabeth went back there and said she can't go back to our ciel's side.