This is so interesting! I’d be really great... I’m actually studing japanese atm and will take up korean pretty soon (as in probably july.. I have an important exam in june so no can do until then) and once I reach a better level of fluency, I really think I might look into being a translator, so sites of that sort would be helpful to me at least

That seems cool, I really want to learn Japanese ^^

I will have a go on memrise.com with Japanese. I do seem very interesting to me since it is quite different from Latin-based languages I know.
HuH. Most of the people on this website I've seen seem so interesting and there is so many T.T shame I cant meet anyone similar in person, even though I live in the largest town in England which is basically a city by now.

I'd recommend this site if you know very basic japanese already (hiragana, katakana, basic sentence structure):
I've been taking japanese through school for a while, but this was recommended to us way back when, and it covers an extensive amount of useful grammar
I feel like this website should have a site with useful websites for those who would like to learn Japanese or Korean or for those who would yet want to start to do so. Perhaps it would help someone who could become a translator one day.
I feel like, for some strange reason...
As if many people here either are, were or will be trying to learn one of these languages
^^ hihi