I don't really understand

Akira March 5, 2018 4:54 pm

Why Kaneki is loved and Furuta is hated.They are pretty much the same and Furuta had it even worse than Kaneki.He never had anyone to love and support him.Kaneki despite all his despicable crimes and mistakes still has people who wish to see him happy.
That is not fair for Furuta.He still has potential.
I think it would be best if Kaneki understood and accepted Furuta as his equal,instead of wanting revenge from him.

    Anonymous March 5, 2018 8:43 pm

    Please, don't try to make my favorite asshole sound like a good/decent person, I like him bad.

    Akira March 5, 2018 9:14 pm
    Please, don't try to make my favorite asshole sound like a good/decent person, I like him bad. @Anonymous

    He is as bad as Kaneki.
    Lots of people dont understand how perplexed Furuta is as a character and they like to simply put him in the category of "bad" "antagonist" "villain".He is not.
    Please dont degrade my favorite character to such a simple trope "he is just an asshole".

    Anonymous March 5, 2018 11:36 pm
    He is as bad as Kaneki.Lots of people dont understand how perplexed Furuta is as a character and they like to simply put him in the category of "bad" "antagonist" "villain".He is not.Please dont degrade my favo... Akira

    I think you should look up the definition of an antagonist. Also you seem hell bend on ignoring his personnality. I don't get why you'd think admitting he's not a good person, because it's fact he doesn't care about hurting people to get his selfish goals realize, is somehow degrading him.
    Kaneki fucks up a lot and at the end, only cares about himself and the people close to him (like pretty much most people, really) and tries to hard to be someone good who won't hurt others.
    It's fine to pity and feel sorry for him but you gotta take the character's morals, their roles in the sotry and the consequences of their actions a little more into consideration.

    Anonymous March 5, 2018 11:39 pm
    I think you should look up the definition of an antagonist. Also you seem hell bend on ignoring his personnality. I don't get why you'd think admitting he's not a good person, because it's fact he doesn't care ... @Anonymous

    ah when I said sorry for him, I meant Furuta. You obviously seem to think his sad backstory makes up for his lack of care for others, creating children soldiers, manipulating his subordinate by abusing their emotions, turned his chilhood crush into an humanity destroying weapon... Should I add more?

    Akira March 6, 2018 1:23 am

    I don't pitty Furuta.Pity is degradation. Nobody deserves it.People just need understanding not pity.
    I admire Furutas personality,intelligence. His humor.His flexibility. His skills and talents.
    The fact that he has been pulling the strings successfully all this time.
    The things that you state are just a matter of personal preference and your very own interpretation on things.You think his relevantly "bad" actions make him a bad person as well.I don't think in the same way as you.

    Furuta and Kaneki are about the same.They have made equally bad mistakes.It doesn't matter what motivations Kaneki has.Since the result is always bad.
    What i mean is that it doesn't matter if (in your opinion) Kaneki really wants to be good and do good.His actions so far have not been beneficial for the majority.Nor does he care about the majority.Just like Furura.
    Furuta and Kaneki are like Yin and Yang...

    The way i see things it was actually a good thing that Kaneki became a ghoul.Before that he only existed but he didn't really have a life.The only person he had was Hide.Kaneki would had never been loved and accepted by anyone if he had never become a ghoul.He would had been a lonely pathetic nobody and probably die a virgin.He was already miserable and empty before he became a ghoul.So I don't really blame Furura for anything that has ever happened to Kaneki.
    Kaneki is rather ungrateful.

    If Furuta had ever been given a chance in life like Kaneki he would had appreciated it.But Kaneki didn't really appreciate anything even when he was a human.He had no interest or connection to reality.Lost in his own thoughts and on his books as life passed by...

    Furuta has hurt people,has killed people,is morally gray character.Exactly like Kaneki.
    He does what he thinks is right and necessary. Just like Kaneki.
    He is no better or worst than Kaneki.Just more interesting and perplexed.And he really has potential.Still.He deserves to be happy too.

    I don't understand why you think i think he is a good person.I never said that.
    I only say he is the same as Kaneki.And i personally don't understand why he is hated while Kaneki is loved.Why Kaneki deserves happiness but Furuta doesn't?
    Why Kaneki supposedly has potential but Furuta is doomed...I just think is unfair.

    Those creatures Furura created can barely be considered children.Rize was already a killing machine a binge eater before Furuta.Also i dont believe that Rize was the dragon and not Kaneki.
    I mean all the things about Furuta that you are trying to pass as negative,to me only seem like morally questionable. That is all.Just like all Kanekis actions.

    It's the nature of this show.Ghouls eating people in order to survive is wrong in every way and objectively someone could consider ghouls as monsters,but the fans of the series dont.They think of them as people too.And they don't hate them for the despicable actions of eating/killing humans for food and fun.For lying to people and pretending to be like them,for cannibalizing each otheretc etc...Humans in this series kill ghouls and make mistakes that cause deaths of many commrades,put their personal ambition before humanity's safety etc etc ...In conclusion nobody can judge what is wrong or right and who is bad and who is good in this show.

    Akira March 6, 2018 7:38 am
    This reply was deleted by the author of the post @Anonymous

    It was not a question to be answered.It was just me expressing my thoughts.

    Akira March 6, 2018 7:55 am
    ah when I said sorry for him, I meant Furuta. You obviously seem to think his sad backstory makes up for his lack of care for others, creating children soldiers, manipulating his subordinate by abusing their em... @Anonymous

    Finally I want to explain another reason why I don't really understand why Furuta is hated.
    So the main reason why I think Furuta-hate is ridiculous and absurd is because the man is basically is the creator of this entire story.There wouldn't be Tokyo Ghoul without Furuta.So you hate him because he gave you a story that you have been following and enjoying for years?

    pennyinheaven March 6, 2018 10:36 am

    Dude, understand that this "hate" is relevant to the readers' perspective.

    You consider Furuta's role in the narrative which is him moving the plot forward (protagonist). You are correct, he is a remarkable character.

    Many readers however are more emotional and connect/side to/with the character they can relate to. That is Kaneki. Kaneki have friends and family around him and his struggle with trusting them; Furuta only has his obsession with Rize, rather he only has Rize as another character to connect to.

    You are pragmatic while others are emotional. That's how you love Furuta while they hate him.

    I love both characters they are both written exquisitely for different purposes in the story, so I have no character to hate. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Bazooka March 6, 2018 7:44 pm
    Please, don't try to make my favorite asshole sound like a good/decent person, I like him bad. @Anonymous


    Streen March 7, 2018 2:05 am

    Furuta made a really crass promise to rape and or breed rize in his last convo with kaneki before everything went down. Do u...remember that dude?

    Streen March 7, 2018 2:35 am

    Nvrm I went back and found that convo. It was creepy af at the time, but with hindsight I see now he was referring to all the half breeds he created with....spare rize parts? Idk Anyway I don't see how kaneki is as bad as furuta he only ever killed when he absolutely had to or they just plain deserved it. While furuta mutated these ppl into half ghouls in hopes that kaneki would kill them all out of desperation to live.