This dude is fukin clingy asf for real I hate people like that also boii don't give him sl much attention dumbass bc if u do that's allowing him to do this bs #-.-)
Chiil it's just a manga lol.
for real
are you really raking a fictional manga seriously
dont take my words for real jeez guys u da ones that gata chill
well you're not being sarcastic nor joking so ofc we're gonna take it seriously hun.
ah, you just turned 14. Should've known.
Just chill jesus
i am? what part makes you think i ain't lmfao
Then just stop replying Jesus
Something you can't do apparently.
Pft people smh
pft middle schoolers smh
Let's all please calm down and not be rude.
It's just my personal opinion jeez you guys didn't have to say anything about it
you posted your "opinion" on a public site anyone can say anything they want about it.
This is absolute bullshit.
you're not wrong.
This dude is fukin clingy asf for real I hate people like that also boii don't give him sl much attention dumbass bc if u do that's allowing him to do this bs #-.-)