Okay I have to stop reading this cause what teacher actually says they can't help with bul...

breeziebear March 4, 2018 9:58 pm

Okay I have to stop reading this cause what teacher actually says they can't help with bullying. Around here if you reject a plea for help like this especially if you have proof of violent acts being committed you're fired. Like i get these stories aren't aways supposed to be realistic but this actually tics me off lol

    Anonymous March 5, 2018 12:50 am

    Must be nice going to school nowadays. :/ When I was in school my teachers joined in on the harrassment.

    Anonymous March 5, 2018 1:08 am
    Must be nice going to school nowadays. :/ When I was in school my teachers joined in on the harrassment. @Anonymous

    he's not even a legitimate teacher, he's a student teacher anyway. and yeah, sadly, many teachers turn the other way or are the bully themselves. reading this from the view of korea, it isn't unrealistic, even if it isn't morally right.

    Jancf March 5, 2018 1:36 am
    he's not even a legitimate teacher, he's a student teacher anyway. and yeah, sadly, many teachers turn the other way or are the bully themselves. reading this from the view of korea, it isn't unrealistic, even ... @Anonymous

    Lmao what do you mean? Even in korea they don’t condone any type of bullying. I’ve never been to korea to study but I go to a school where koreans are very prevalent and not once did I hear that teachers in korea just let the kids be bullied. If anything they try to connect with the students bc they how high the suicide rates are there. I don’t even think people have time to bully others considering how focused everyone is on their studies to pass the exam

    Anonymous March 5, 2018 1:47 am
    Lmao what do you mean? Even in korea they don’t condone any type of bullying. I’ve never been to korea to study but I go to a school where koreans are very prevalent and not once did I hear that teachers in... Jancf

    Korea has a huge bullying problem, knets talk about it all the time. There was literally footage just last year of a group of girls abusing another female student that had been their victim for a while. teenagers committing suicide isn't just because of the stressful studies.

    gabby March 5, 2018 10:17 am

    wow I'm literally going to school rn and the teachers don't do anything if someone is being bullied, they're just like 'oh stand up to your bully' or some bs like that teachers here don't give a crap if it isn't on their paycheck

    Anonymous March 6, 2018 10:27 am
    wow I'm literally going to school rn and the teachers don't do anything if someone is being bullied, they're just like 'oh stand up to your bully' or some bs like that teachers here don't give a crap if it isn'... gabby

    yeah op missing the point that this isn't that unrealistic in different parts of the world. exaggerated maybe, but not unrealistic.

    morning March 6, 2018 7:02 pm
    he's not even a legitimate teacher, he's a student teacher anyway. and yeah, sadly, many teachers turn the other way or are the bully themselves. reading this from the view of korea, it isn't unrealistic, even ... @Anonymous

    It doesn’t matter if he was legitimate teacher or not. He just doesn’t give a fuck about other people except himself yeah not even his father, he literally only cares about his own satisfactory. If he really wanted to help, he can reported it to his father hell even the nurse already talked about this already.

    Anonymous March 6, 2018 9:25 pm
    It doesn’t matter if he was legitimate teacher or not. He just doesn’t give a fuck about other people except himself yeah not even his father, he literally only cares about his own satisfactory. If he reall... morning

    >yeah not even his father

    lol wrong. you must be reading a different story. this comment won't hold up in the next few chapters. haha

    morning March 7, 2018 12:46 am
    >yeah not even his fatherlol wrong. you must be reading a different story. this comment won't hold up in the next few chapters. haha @Anonymous

    LOL I already read the RAW. And my opinion still stands, he doesn’t care about his father, he only cares about his own lust, his own feelings to his father/his savior, thus he keep being lovey dovey with him and use his best friend as replacement. And it seems the bullied kid told the truth about his father to uke. Lol his face was satisfying.

    Anonymous March 7, 2018 2:44 am
    LOL I already read the RAW. And my opinion still stands, he doesn’t care about his father, he only cares about his own lust, his own feelings to his father/his savior, thus he keep being lovey dovey with him ... morning

    if he doesn't actually care about the father, someone he can't have but keeps chasing him over his own greed and lust, then same to the bf who can't have the mc and is in it for the lust. besides, he's sticking around now because the mc to a degree loves him and wishes he loved him more but his heart is for the father.

    the father stopped choking the bf to look at the photo album that said how much the mc loves the father and wants to confess to him in the future. he's as much in love with the father as the bf is in love with the mc.

    and the orphan knows about the death of the son and told the mc that he was probably adopted for revenge. the orphan has more power over the mc now.

    morning March 7, 2018 3:35 am
    if he doesn't actually care about the father, someone he can't have but keeps chasing him over his own greed and lust, then same to the bf who can't have the mc and is in it for the lust. besides, he's sticking... @Anonymous

    >if he doesn't actually care about the father, someone he can't have but keeps chasing him over his own greed and lust, then same to the bf who can't have the mc and is in it for the lust.
    And I never said otherwise kek. I’m only talking about MC here cause OP’s topic. How he rejected the boy cause he only cares about himself. He only cares about his feelings that’s why he keeps chasihg his father, even entered the same school as him without telling. If you read properly his monologue about his father it’s only about himself, how is he always wanted to be a with him/get fucked by him etc, it’s never “how about father?” It’s the good old 恋 not 愛 trope. And I don’t even know what do you want to implying. That the MC is not that bad? Eh I can conclude the story by and for myself, he’s shitty alright. But thank you for the detailed spoiler, I read the RAW with google translate, it’s good to know now MC is legit fucked.