this is what i always had in my mind!!!!
I completely agree. And the repetitive storyline seems so unnecessary, too - there are tons of other issues the manga could focus on (Nemu coming out to his mother, dealing with university life, show more of the side characters, Nemu finally being more confident and independent, etc.).
I hate to say it, but if the manga continues like this, it's losing its appeal to me.
I would absolutely love if this manga focused more on issues outside of their relationship. For example, Nemu's mother. His mother has been a huge controlling point in his life and I think that's why he seems to have no 'personality' outside of studying. It'd be nice to see Nemu truly come into his own and realise that he deserves things, and that he comes out to his mother with confidence in his own feelings (I'm hoping she loves him enough to just accept it, because he's such a sweetheart and deserves all the good things). I feel like this manga has been too focused on their relationship itself, and that wouldn't be a bad thing if it wasn't the same issues repeating again, never getting resolved. Maya needs a huge wake up call and Nemu deserves better, if I'm honest (and more character development).
When I read it, it was only the newer chapter and...
(SPOILER - incase others haven't read it)
It's so damn annoying that Nemu just gives in so easily to Maya's apology, and they're all happy as mill again. NO. Maya betrayed his trust, AGAIN. He keeps doing it! He needs to know why it's wrong, and why Nemu feels so insecure and anxious, and grow the f up! I'm so tired of his selfishness. I honestly feel like these characters need time a part to truly get a grasp on themselves before being in a relationship.
I read the raws, and sadly it doesn't look like their relationship is going to evolve any time soon. I've been following this manga for a very long time and there's just a cycle of actions repeating over and over again. Maya does something wrong, Nemu feels insecure, Nemu cries and forgives Maya almost immediately. It's so repetitive that there's nothing new in their relationship. Nemu as a character has also undergone little evolution. He just comes across as heavily dependant on Maya and lacks in any noticeable characteristics (although he is majorly adorable and sweet). I want more for him. I want him to slowly learn how to be more confident, and that he's worth just as much as everyone else is. I want him to develop real interests and hobbies, and learn how to NOT TAKE SHIT FROM MAYA; that he doesn't so easily give into Maya's selfishness, and makes it clear to him what he expects from the relationship.
So far, their relationship doesn't feel very equal. Maya hasn't even told him he loves him once. I understand he may 'show it through his actions' but a relationship is built on mutual understanding and equal footing. If he can't tell him he loves him - just once - then is he even emotionally mature enough to be in a comitted relationship?
I detest the start of this manga (I just pretend it doesn't exist) but I am generally invested in all the characters. Unfortunately, if this repetitive and frankly tiring cycle of insecurity, selfishness, lack of communication, spinelessness and little story development carries on, I think I'm going to have to drop this manga, which I really, really don't want to do.
(Side note: I know we all kinda want to see another guy who's generally sweet come in and sweep Nemu off his feet to make Maya realise how much of a fuck-up he's being, but wouldn't it be nice to just see Nemu come into his own and realise he's strong as an individual? That he breaks off with Maya for awhile because their relationship is looking quite hopeless rn, especially with all the lying and rightful insecurity, and that Maya ends up realising how selfish and cruel he's being and tries to win Nemu back? I want him to really fight for his affections, and for Nemu to not just give in so quickly all the time. Make Maya work! Nemu is more than worth it. He doesn't deserve this)