I don't understand the new recruit. Why go to something like that? Trust your boss. Why go...

Pbnj March 3, 2018 4:09 am

I don't understand the new recruit. Why go to something like that? Trust your boss. Why go behind his back when you know youre at a disadvantageous situation. Idk I should reread the whole thing.

    pennyinheaven March 3, 2018 9:29 am

    Too confident, arrogant and stubborn. He will fall hard and might go self-loathing. It really pays to be so negative sometimes. It's less painful when you fall down because you are already at the bottom compared to someone who thinks highly of ones self. The fall is WAY more painful and tragic.

    Anonymous March 3, 2018 1:04 pm

    He was raped by someone he trusted and was alike best friend gang raped I won't be surprised with the way his personality is.