someone explain

Alma March 2, 2018 11:35 am

someone explain what this is about please

    chizaman March 3, 2018 6:50 pm

    As a guro comic, it focuses on sexual corruption, eroticism, and decadence. The true meaning of this work has been left open to the interpretation of the viewer.

    To me, this work is, simply put, an abstract depiction of a child losing his innocence. It is beautiful in it's obscurity, and in it's portrayal of such corruption as a sort of decomposition of both the body and the soul, the corporal and the spiritual; we witness the transition of a pure being, through base desires, to a sullied fragment of his former self.

    Justian December 11, 2020 10:26 am
    As a guro comic, it focuses on sexual corruption, eroticism, and decadence. The true meaning of this work has been left open to the interpretation of the viewer.To me, this work is, simply put, an abstract depi... chizaman

    Very well said