Teenagers aren't children, technically. Soon as puberty hits, they're sexually aware. They're still minors allright, but not kids anymore. So it's not peadophilia. There's a big gap between puberty and legal age. Shoudn't throw around the term "paedophilia" too much. Teens have always gotten crushes on their teachers, in all times. Nowadays it's considered unethical, but it wasn't always so. And usually, the kids themselves don't give a damn about ethics! What they think is good and wholesome and what grownups think about that often differs a lot...

UMMM DO YOU KNOW WHAT PEDEOPHILIA MEANS!?!? Omg... if you’re under 18... ITS PEDOPILIA!!! There’s no buts, ifs or excuses. That’s just no. So what if they are in puberty, it’s still pedophilia. I feel like you’re the type of person who would meet a young person way younger than you who’s prob under 18 and think there’s nothing wrong with it. You my friend, need help ಠ_ಠ

The person is correct. I mean, when children hit puberty, their thoughts and body change. They are at the age when they start to learn about sex and stuff and stuff children don't need to worry about. Pedophilia is when you are attracted to prepubescent children, so children that haven't gone through pubertty. That's their point. They certainly don't need help because you've certainly misunderstood what they have said. Of course it's still not good for an adult to sleep or be with a minor if the law does not allow it.

That's what I was saying. But as soon as someone even tries to stay chill in the neighbourhood of the word "pedophilia", folks are going hysterical. The information of who wants to know: pedophilia is derived from two Greek words "Paidos" (child) and "philos" (friend). So that means CHILD, not teenager... Under age is illegal, but it's not pedophilia if it's with a young person over puberty.

Mentally, indeed, but we don't need to be completely mature and wise to have sex and even have babies! In ancient times, if by what we call now legal age, (18), you didn't have had your first or second baby, chances were you weren't going to have any, since life span in Stone Age was your average 25-26 for men, 30 for women... and car crashes weren't really a problem back then.

Here's the wikipedia definition (so we all know what's what):
Pedophilia, or paedophilia, is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children. Although girls typically begin the process of puberty at age 10 or 11, and boys at age 11 or 12, criteria for pedophilia extend the cut-off point for prepubescence to age 13. A person who is diagnosed with pedophilia must be at least 16 years old, and at least five years older than the prepubescent child, for the attraction to be diagnosed as pedophilia.

That's correct, although I wouldn't call it a "disorder". It's a fetish, to be exact.
Being sexually attracted to people or other living creatures and circumstances outside the range of sexually mature humans is called having a 'fetish'.
Prepubescent kids, very old people, dead people, animals, and power-related situations such as bondage or spanking or other SM-variations, golden shower, coprophagy, all those weird or not so weird things, dangerous or not so dangerous, funny or disgusting or yucky or scary or silly things people are oddly sexually excited by, those are called fetishes or kinks.
Pedophilia is in there: it is also a power thing. A child is the personification of innocence and helplessness, and to posess it gives a sensation of power, which is exciting to some. The fact that it is seen as harmful today, has made ecyclopediae like the Wikipedia call it a "disorder" and talk about "being diagnosed", as if it was a disease. But that is simply because it is seen so, not because it is. The books spoke about homosexuality in these terms as well, before it got accepted.
Dangerous or harmful fetishes like pedophilia are likely never going to get "accepted", but that doesn't mean they're diseases or disorders. Fetishes have always existed and always will, in every civilisation and era. Humans are not all that sweet, in fact, and never have been... Back in the days when children weren't as protected as they are now, it was considered the privilege of powerful people to do with their slaves as they saw fit, no matter how young or old they were. Nobody looked twice.
Today, we go overboard in the other way: sometimes a person is called a pedophile for buying a child an ice cream, and lynched by an angry mob. And comics like manga that tell a shotacon or lolicon story are causing huge outcry, eventhough it's only ink on paper, and nobody real was ever hurt by it.
Moral standards come and go, but the human condition stays the same. So it's all in the way you look at it.
About the age thing, I would say I agree with Wikipedia.

no no no no no no no!! why would you even compare lgbt and kinks to pedophilia, bestiality and necrophilia! these are two completely different things, please please stop, it's not intoletant, it's just having morals and common sense! screwing
or getting aroused by children, animals and corpses isn't okay!!! it's harmful and bad, please stop thinking this way!

Calm down. Comparing dangerous and less dangerous things is unavoidable, if they're in the same category.
Fetishes come in very various types, and some are extremely unsavory while others are totally harmless. That doesn't exclude them all being fetishes.
Nobody says just by calling them fetishes means they are okay. Keep your head on, girl! No need to get hysterical... I was merely stating the definition, and pointing out that even if some of them are awful, that doesn't mean they're diseases. Diseases are the result of something wrong with you: while fetishes, the bad as well as the harmless, are things that one does because it arouses them, without there being anything wrong healthwise. After all, you don't need to be ill to commit murder either, do you? And murder isn't okay either. That doesn't mean all murderers are ill...
People can be really mean animals. That's what we are like. Can't be helped, gotta deal with the thought. We're no angels, never were. But by categorizing crimes, the misdemeaners along with the awful ones, you don't approve of them, you're merely filing them up. You don't judge when filing stuff up. Same thing with fetishes. Filing them and explaining them how they work doesn't mean you say they're "okay". You haven't heard me say so.
If you read my post again, without the hysterics, you'll find out I'm not judging or "thinking" one way or an other. I'm explaining.
If learning to understand what makes a person commit a crime is making you into a criminal yourself, or accept of even approve of it, then all psychologists would be crazy, all criminologists criminals and all doctors sick.
Do you get what I'm saying?

Legal age for girls to get married is 14, at 13 they are aloud sex much like 16 in most countries, like the only thing wrong is teachers arent allowed to have relationships with their student, like at 15 she has the right to fight her parents if they disapprove so she could be legally fine living with her. like some families have their girl married or they choose to, to a guy 18 or older. at that stage if they are married and live together before they become their teacher just say teacher transfers to their school middle or highschool. the school just normally asks both parties to be quiet about it. but the only risk here is that she may loose her job if that cousin blabs. as they can be sexual with each other its just the teacher restriction. once she is in highschool or one changes school, they only have the concern of a parent getting in the way unto she is 15. awhile ago the legal sex age was 12 if i remember but they upped it. so some counties see it as wrong as well, but as im aware after 13 they can be with a person over 18. but i really feel she is being abused, normally when i see a character like her, she can read her teacher and can tell she has never had sex. so she is most likley trying to fight back against him. people used to be expected to be married by 15 for longer than they havent. we are conditioned with titles and labels to force our thinking a way that doesnt feel or apply to some, once you realise its all in your head most of these stupid things. all i say is people are people, and as long as no one is getting physically hurt or forced by something. a ten year age gap doesnt really bother people.
why is there so much pedophilia in yuri? i want a good, wholesome, lesbian love story why do this