It sucks.. Anyone ever experienced this?

shokupan March 2, 2018 4:42 am

Ok not the right place to tell you all this but I'm so scared idk what to do anymore..
.. I've been constipated for exactly a month now. Whenever I have an urge to poop it just won't come out.. Sometimes I can poop but only a LITTLE srsly like 1 poo per sit.. It's not that my stool is hard, my stool is normal but it's as if it stucks somewhere.. There's also slight pain in my right testicle.. I can't eat and always feel bloated. I only eat fruits and veggies now, small portion but more frequent cause it's impossible to have a big meal..Went to several doctors idk for how many times but they said everything's normal and keep telling me to eat normally and add more veggies.. some of them gave me laxative but didn't work.. It's stressing me out, I'm scared and can't concentrate on anything and it's so uncomfortable. Wonder if anyone ever had this condition? Could this be IBS?

    Zenith March 2, 2018 4:49 am

    It could be you aren’t drinking enough water. Or eating enough, for that matter. I wouldn’t be worried if the doctors said you’re okay, because they know what they are doing. Take note of your stress level, treat yourself well. I used to have problems similar to this, and it was because I wasn’t eating or drinking enough.

    YURI!!choi~ March 2, 2018 4:52 am

    ok, this might seem weird but try pooping with a stool because that really helps get the poo moving faster, because there's nothing there like blocking it.

    Also i suggest you to drink more water and prune juice (⌒▽⌒)

    YURI!!choi~ March 2, 2018 4:53 am

    if that doesn't work i think you should get a stronger laxative

    shokupan March 2, 2018 4:55 am
    It could be you aren’t drinking enough water. Or eating enough, for that matter. I wouldn’t be worried if the doctors said you’re okay, because they know what they are doing. Take note of your stress leve... @Zenith

    Thanks for your response.. I've always drunk lots of water even before I had this condition.. It's hard not to stress over this but I will try.

    shokupan March 2, 2018 4:57 am
    ok, this might seem weird but try pooping with a stool because that really helps get the poo moving faster, because there's nothing there like blocking it. Also i suggest you to drink more water and prune juice... YURI!!choi~

    Thank you I might try prune juice

    Anonymous March 2, 2018 5:10 am

    you probably need to change your diet overall. eat lots of fiber. you could try stool softeners also, like one a day until you are regular again.

    ひびくきのくち March 2, 2018 5:40 am

    How often do you exercise? It's often found that people who don't exercise often get constipated more. Try drinking some warm to hot water aswell

    Berrethor March 2, 2018 5:41 am

    Constipation that last for so long and doesn't respond to laxative is a serious cause of concern I would think. I would see a different doctor and ask for a scan. Try to talk to a pharmacist or another health care professionals around your area that may have more free time for a counselling session. They might be able to shed some light on the matter.
    Another thing, eating just fruits and veggies may not be enough for sustenance. You should try to eat what you normally do, but in a smaller portion.

    yo March 2, 2018 6:03 am

    So, not to be very direct, but do you get off often? I had a similar problem last year and it was because I went a little too overboard. I had a slight pain in my right testicle and sometimes it felt like it went to my inner thigh (numbness). I went to the doctors and and got 2 ultrasounds. Nothing was wrong. I calmed down my habit and it went away

    Eijiin Mhora March 2, 2018 6:05 am

    As Zwnith said you should increase the amount of liquids (prefarably mild or middle warm) avoid cold but not deink excessively (applies in food as well).
    There are food that you have to reduce/avoid like: white bread (anything with wheat flour), fats, red meat (proteins), coffee, some kind of teas, dairy products, alcohol, sweet food and candies, fast food.
    You can include more fruit (like berries, apples, nuts), veggies (like potatoes, corn, lettuce, spinach, broccoli, asparagus, soy, beans), pultry (moderate), in respect to fiber you'd be carefull because if you eat too much it might cause stomach distention due to gas production due the slow digestion.
    Increase phisycal activity, try relaxation methods, and go to another doctor or a nutriologist for nutritional advise or you'd get malnutrition and subsequently anemia or another diseases.

    shokupan March 2, 2018 7:33 am
    How often do you exercise? It's often found that people who don't exercise often get constipated more. Try drinking some warm to hot water aswell ひびくきのくち

    Yeah might be because I don't exercise.. I only walk for 30min - 1hr a day and that's it..

    shokupan March 2, 2018 7:37 am
    So, not to be very direct, but do you get off often? I had a similar problem last year and it was because I went a little too overboard. I had a slight pain in my right testicle and sometimes it felt like it we... @yo

    Oh well yeah I did it pretty often but I haven't now for weeks since I had this condition... This is probably the reason but I never thought of it before.. Because it happens all of sudden.. I woke up with pain in my right testicle and can't poop.. How long until u go back to normal if I may know?

    shokupan March 2, 2018 7:42 am
    As Zwnith said you should increase the amount of liquids (prefarably mild or middle warm) avoid cold but not deink excessively (applies in food as well). There are food that you have to reduce/avoid like: white... Eijiin Mhora

    Well yeah I always feel gassy probably because of that. Thanks for the advice.

    raindragon March 2, 2018 7:43 am

    you probably have something my brother's doctor called a "butt plug" LOL sorry. You need to take care of that problem first. You can work on the diet etc. after that. Doctors can give you stuff that will do the trick but I don't recommend that. My cardiologist told me the following: dulcolax - take four this one time. You've got to get unstuck if you know what I mean. The cardiologist also recommended: magnesium supplements, fiber as in benefiber, miralax. Not caring what you do as long as you go once a day was this cardiologist's orders. People here who disagree can really just shut up. LOL. Good diet and exercise doesn't work for everyone all the time.

    Milk Tea March 2, 2018 7:44 am

    You might have a bowel obstruction. Get some strong laxatives and drink a LOT of water. If you think you don't need more water, drink some anyway. If that doesn't work, you might need to do an enema. If you've had issues for a month now, diet and exercise will not help you pass hard stools. Focus on getting your bowels clear and THEN make changes to your diet and exercise.

    Milk Tea March 2, 2018 7:48 am

    Magnesium Citrate might help as well!

    Sloth March 2, 2018 8:31 am

    Please visit a doctor asap, it might not be too serious but since its stressing you out it could affect your health too, one of the best thing to do is to seek advice from a medical proessional.

    -_- March 2, 2018 9:42 am

    OMG. Over a month. If you did make changes to your diet and are taking laxatives and you still are having a difficult time having a bowl movement then you need to go back to the doctor and inform them about this. I am not trying to alarm you but if you are backed up and you can't eliminate your waste it can become toxic to your body but then again I don't know your whole history and what they have assessed from you. You should really just go to the doctor or call a nurse hotline for advice. The nurse hotline is free and will give you at least some peace of mind besides some random stranger giving out their unprofessional advice.

    yo March 2, 2018 11:26 pm
    Oh well yeah I did it pretty often but I haven't now for weeks since I had this condition... This is probably the reason but I never thought of it before.. Because it happens all of sudden.. I woke up with pain... shokupan

    Yeah I was doing it probably like 2-3 times a day lol it knew it was unhealthy so I stopped for almost 3 weeks. I limit myself to once every 4-5 days now. At the time I did feel that my bowel movements were small too. Also I felt that whenever I sat down down my testicle would be sore. It went away after a month. But this was just me, I still advise you to go see a doctor if it continues though especially if you are still not able to poop. Goodluck. Hope everything turns out okay for you.

    raindragon March 2, 2018 11:51 pm

    testicle and bowel problem - not likely to be connected, extremely unlikely. 2 separate problems.
    I respect that ppl are suggesting seeing doctors, nurses, nutritionists, counselors, and getting scans, but these things could result in extreme expense unless you have super duper maxed-out insurance. Not everyone does.
    I'm just saying.....