Am I the only one...

ThirdVelocity February 26, 2018 4:42 am

who agrees that, that guy was right to be upset about. Sure he shouldn't lose his temper and accuse others right off the bat but if someone was fucking in the school I'd pretty much get to the bottom of it. That's disgusting. Especially if it's happening at a school where you learn, not fuck and ESPECIALLY if it's a room I'm frequently going to. They didn't clean up properly for gods sakes. LOL. I'd be pretty pissed if I found semen where I'm eating lunch. I find his actions pretty valid and normal.

    klein February 26, 2018 4:53 am

    I wouldn't get to the bottom of it cuz its none of our business

    Pacgirl February 26, 2018 4:55 am

    I'd say it's normal to be upset over that. But it's his actions that are a little strange.
    In a big school like a university, it would be difficult to find who did it due to the population. So him wanting to Sherlock Holmes this, is a little strange to me.
    In terms of personal experience, I've found a used condom once in my Unversity before.
    I didn't Sherlock Holmes it, I reported it and the Janitor cleaned it up. XD

    Phogirl February 26, 2018 5:09 am

    You never been to college have you? People have sex anytime and any place. The No one is saying that it isn't disgusting, but to go all out to find out who did is really stupid.

    Anonymous February 26, 2018 11:31 am

    The whole situation is unreal... I mean sure, you can get mad, but anyone seeing dirt would wipe it, swear a little and be done with it. you don't smell it, take a picture and show it around trying to start a vendetta